Monday, August 22, 2005

When Pigs Fly...

Do they EVER land?
I think so. Not always in muck and mire...but in interesting fields.
The new job is going okay!
I like it....but wish I sat more to the back area where I could hear more of the techs.
My ability to Ignore or 'tune out' conversations is serving me well for 1 co-worker (soon NOT to be).
I like having windows to look out of. I like the puzzle pieces to figure out.
I have on co-worker I enjoy talking to because he is a lot like me...just younger. He is also going through a divorce for the second I think him talking to me and what not makes him feel like I am 'comfortable and understanding'. Yep...been there and felt the same way.
He has a couple of young boys...and we talk about kids mostly ...and tech things from work.
I am also working a new shift...Sunday through Thursdays 8 am to 5 pm. I am going to miss the Sundays off.
That's all I have to report...OH
Jason is playing Softball for his job!
I missed the first game =(
I WON'T miss the second one though!

Hugs to all..

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Time to dream again

Bummed out a bit. I do not get to go to Burning Man this year. Was all set and ready. Can't take the time from my new job due to 'ramping up' so I can be working problems. I am in training and I welcome it! Nice new challenges...and I can see future growth being available, too!
I was so looking forward to the trip and going with friends on a new adventure. More like an extreme camping in the desert playa with Art being the backdrop of props...and seeing inside of myself and looking outside and analyzing my prejudices.
I am so looking forward to hearing from my friends about their adventures and experiences....Although to experience Burning man is a very personal thing.
I WILL be going next year though. I will have enough time to make my own art installation for it.
Oh my dear friends that are going...I wish for you to know that I may not be along for the trip physically....but my heart and my thoughts will reach out to you as you go and stay and return.

*sigh* To dream again....


Thursday, August 11, 2005

Kites have tails and string.....

and the remembering that I am attached on the ground means my mind and heart can sore!

I GOT A JOB!!!! Started on Tuesday August 9th. I like the prospect of using the talents that I have developed and hoping to further the intelligence and reasoning abilities. I can still hear Mr. Jeff telling me to 'think about the process instead of the hit and miss techniques". I will never forget the mentoring, Jeff Carmichael. You had faith in my mental mind and I grew into a great friendship with you that will always be treasured. The honesty and the truth made more sense than the hopeful daydreams. You helped me to believe I could when I didn't have enough faith to try. I adore searching out an issue with a system or an application. I used to sit in the software library pouring over apps trying to understand how the functionality actually flowed in the design.
It will help in my future. I know this.
There were others that believed in my mental abilities of reasoning...mostly with people...but there are a couple that had faith in my abilitites to work with VRU's and computers. I learn best while listening.
LOOK DADDY! I finally learned to shut my mouth and listen!


I really am excited about my job. I love where I am at in life. Not every thing is easy.....but I am EXCITED!
There is even a man I have been seeing that I am going really slow with...he is intelligent, funny, kind, and just a doll!
My son is doing well and asked me questions the other day in order to complete his application for financial assistance so he can attend college!
Amanda and Jordan are growing in thier marriage...and learning some hard lessons while they are at it.
I know that they will do fine. Amanda is a very determined young lady. I should know....I lived with her ;)
I am so proud of you both!
My niece is doing great and growing in her career! It seems so weird thinking of my 'kids' being adults now. I am really proud of Chandra and Joey, too! Weird as it is to some...they love each other. I can see it and feel it.
I know Joey has had some rough life issues...but he really loves Chandra and would do anything for her that she needed.

My roommates Bob and Sharon have married and bought a very adorable little 'cottage' style home near White Rock Lake.
SO very perfect for them!

I am happy.

My roommate Marty and I are really very best of friends. It is quiet and calm in the home. It feels a litle lost without Bob and Sharon...but it will settle in soon.

I am going to ask Bob if I can keep Buddy Lee. I do not think he will survive being an outdoor cat. He is way to people oriented...and besides...I would miss him sleeping with me and Kali (my Manx Cat) would miss him also. He is part of my family.
Marty even mentions he would miss Buddy Lee.


I really am happy and content...and even scared but not in a bad way.

Love you all!


Monday, August 01, 2005

Snoozy friend

No job yet. Still hoping.
I fill out at least 6 applications a day. Online makes it easier. I don't have to drive anywhere. Thanks to all of my friends and family for the support that is offered. Let's see...I have been Sewing for $, Cleaning for $, Babysitting friends homes and animals for $, some data entry for a friend for $, hostessing for $......and it isn't enough. The weird thing is that I am honest and report the income to TWC...which lowers the amount of unemployement benefits.

My very best friend just woke up from snoozing in his chair. HE naps easy. It is nice to hear someone just sleeping next to me....even at the computers...
Thank you all my dears...I am still searching.
