Waking up all snuggled under a down comforter....with the sound of the door opening and closing.
OOO this feels SO good.
The crispness of the air tickles my nose and it feels GOOD!
I love the fall weather...and the spring!
Marty was so sweet NOT to wake me this morning with a cup of coffee! I had to remind him though that I am OFF on Friday!
LAst night was fun watching TV on the couch...trying to fend off Marty's TICKLE ATTACKS.
He is so much a boy at times...and he being my bestest friend I get to see all the sides that most people don't know about. Same for him with me.
He truly knows me like no other friends does.
I may be getting another roommate today.
I'll keep ya'll posted if it occurs!
Lots to write about today...
But the main thought was how beautiful today was!
I woke up with a smile and feeling comfortably warm.
It does go on forever...
Talk in a bit...getting my hair done today!
I may have to see if I can do purple....
that is reserved for my daughter!
Friday, September 30, 2005
Friday, September 23, 2005
ZING!!!! Off the deep end!
Ummm...like surPRISE this morning!
Marty wakes me up with a DELIC-ious hot cup of coffee served to me in bed ...at 6:30 AM.
I am OFF on Friday, man!
It tasted fantastic though! Thanks!
Then I am getting things ready for my Kali-cat to go live with a new family.
Then a strange phone call...
"United American" is on the caller ID.
Weird....Jason knows my number on the cell...which is upstairs at the moment.
"Hi! This is Debbie, from your son's office.
Jason fell and hit his head and needs you to pick him up at work."
Okay...they know he is an epileptic.
I have NO clue where it is that he works.
Gimme an address...mapquest to the rescue.
I normally use google...but I am not totally panicked and I remembered mapquest.
I didn't speed.
I did call & talked to Jason on the phone.
He was able to answer questions which was good.
I finally found the location...loaded him up...and off we go.
I didn't speed.
CAT scan, x-rays, and talking to the doc. Tetanus shot...and out we go....5 hours later.
My family members are far away and going different directions.
My other Roommates that live in a new home are accepting Buddy Lee back with them.
I hope the Doctor is right that this will help me to breath after the house is clean.
I have NEVER been without a pet.
No....Marty doesn't count as a pet, Joe.
I miss Kali.
I miss Xanadu.
I miss Pahsha.
I miss Mattie.
I miss Asia.
I miss Mischief.
I miss Duffy.
I miss Shadows and Moonbeam, too.
I miss Whiskey.
I miss Taco and Tiki.
I even remember Socks, Lady, Fritz, and Blitzen.
No, Momma...I do not miss my snake Jaimel.
I even miss my hamsters...White Rose and Brandywine.
(whose names shortened to Rose and Brandy). I never did name the 12 little baby hamsters though.
It is a strange reality to think that I will have no pet dependent on me.
Have to think on this a bit.
All is well in my head and heart though.
I am SO glad my son Jason is okay.
It really did scare me today.
The knocker he has is as big as my palm and about an inch thick.
It seeped blood and scared me to death.
I didn't speed and I didn't panic.
I love you, Jason.
Very special.
Marty wakes me up with a DELIC-ious hot cup of coffee served to me in bed ...at 6:30 AM.
I am OFF on Friday, man!
It tasted fantastic though! Thanks!
Then I am getting things ready for my Kali-cat to go live with a new family.
Then a strange phone call...
"United American" is on the caller ID.
Weird....Jason knows my number on the cell...which is upstairs at the moment.
"Hi! This is Debbie, from your son's office.
Jason fell and hit his head and needs you to pick him up at work."
Okay...they know he is an epileptic.
I have NO clue where it is that he works.
Gimme an address...mapquest to the rescue.
I normally use google...but I am not totally panicked and I remembered mapquest.
I didn't speed.
I did call & talked to Jason on the phone.
He was able to answer questions which was good.
I finally found the location...loaded him up...and off we go.
I didn't speed.
CAT scan, x-rays, and talking to the doc. Tetanus shot...and out we go....5 hours later.
My family members are far away and going different directions.
My other Roommates that live in a new home are accepting Buddy Lee back with them.
I hope the Doctor is right that this will help me to breath after the house is clean.
I have NEVER been without a pet.
No....Marty doesn't count as a pet, Joe.
I miss Kali.
I miss Xanadu.
I miss Pahsha.
I miss Mattie.
I miss Asia.
I miss Mischief.
I miss Duffy.
I miss Shadows and Moonbeam, too.
I miss Whiskey.
I miss Taco and Tiki.
I even remember Socks, Lady, Fritz, and Blitzen.
No, Momma...I do not miss my snake Jaimel.
I even miss my hamsters...White Rose and Brandywine.
(whose names shortened to Rose and Brandy). I never did name the 12 little baby hamsters though.
It is a strange reality to think that I will have no pet dependent on me.
Have to think on this a bit.
All is well in my head and heart though.
I am SO glad my son Jason is okay.
It really did scare me today.
The knocker he has is as big as my palm and about an inch thick.
It seeped blood and scared me to death.
I didn't speed and I didn't panic.
I love you, Jason.
Very special.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Hobbie or Habit?

These are just a few pictures of what I also like to make and teach.
I teach on Wednesday nights at Absinthe Lounge. Come down and play with me on the table making? Mosaics can be wonderfully calming. =)
Monday, September 19, 2005
Oh to breathe again...
Ya know....sometimes the head doesn't think to clearly when there is NO OXYGEN getting to it.
Seems to be a routine of the past few years. Late summer...the air is still in Texas. Means the smog and soot in the city doesn't go away....and there is humidity but not rain...and I hate to dust because it sends me into fits of agony trying to breathe.
Now I need homes for my cats.
Buddy Lee will possibly go back to Bob & Sharon.
They are discussing it. He really needs human interaction. I don't think he knows he is a cat.
Kali is a bit different. She is scared of a lot of people moving about...and she is affectionate but quietly so.
Buddy will do anything for attention. Kali will appear out of nothingness to 'check in' and then disappear again.
He is black and she is a Lavender smoke color.
I love them both and don't really want to see them go.
I have to breathe though.
I actually went to the doctor.
*Message for Christopher: I didn't have to go to the hospital this time :) and I was aware enough to drive....I think ;)
Thanks for the rescue last year....was it last year?*
Jeez...ya know trying to ignore a health condition isn't very wise.
I have been trying to do thing improve my health. Guess I forgot the necessity of breath.
Won't forget again!
All is well my dears.
Just learning that there are limitations at times.
Hopefully....I can train the cats NOT to be in my face and I will survive?
Doubt it.
I know better.
Anyone want to learn to love a scaredy cat?
Kali is really a sweetheart.
Seems to be a routine of the past few years. Late summer...the air is still in Texas. Means the smog and soot in the city doesn't go away....and there is humidity but not rain...and I hate to dust because it sends me into fits of agony trying to breathe.
Now I need homes for my cats.
Buddy Lee will possibly go back to Bob & Sharon.
They are discussing it. He really needs human interaction. I don't think he knows he is a cat.
Kali is a bit different. She is scared of a lot of people moving about...and she is affectionate but quietly so.
Buddy will do anything for attention. Kali will appear out of nothingness to 'check in' and then disappear again.
He is black and she is a Lavender smoke color.
I love them both and don't really want to see them go.
I have to breathe though.
I actually went to the doctor.
*Message for Christopher: I didn't have to go to the hospital this time :) and I was aware enough to drive....I think ;)
Thanks for the rescue last year....was it last year?*
Jeez...ya know trying to ignore a health condition isn't very wise.
I have been trying to do thing improve my health. Guess I forgot the necessity of breath.
Won't forget again!
All is well my dears.
Just learning that there are limitations at times.
Hopefully....I can train the cats NOT to be in my face and I will survive?
Doubt it.
I know better.
Anyone want to learn to love a scaredy cat?
Kali is really a sweetheart.
A date with a special man in my life...
Saturday Night.....
Warm evening....and a breeze is blowing, thank goodness!
I have a date!
The special man is none other than my son, Jason Sterling.
He hates his middle name but it defines him to a 'T'.
He is taking me to the Texas Rangers Game at The Ameriquest Field (when did it change names?) in Arlington.
(I liked it better as the 'Ballpark')
I have gone to pick him up because he loaned his car to one of his roommates to go to the college that evening.
McKinney isn't that far really...and It gives me more time to chat with him!
My Baby Boy is 22. Tall and rather cute (no prejudism here).
I love talking with him. He is amazing in his opinion. He is pretty silent and gives short answers when feeling like someone is probing...like his mom does (whoEVER she is!).
When he has an opinion....watch it!
He is very direct and cuts no corners...Like his sister in that regard!
YOU should have tried raising 2 Aquarians in a home together. They kids are as different from each other as night and day. Both are as talented as each other...and strong in their beliefs.
Anyway...My date and I are going to the ballgame!
The last one we attended together was in 1999. The last game of the century at the Ball Park in Arlington.
This year we are attending and enjoying watching the game. Jason is very good at explaining the finer details of the game to me and the stats...man the stats.
He and I both use the program to read items about the players.
Want to know when the best time was?
Guess....come on....
When we were turning onto the road of the Ball Park...HE got all excited and clapped his hands and said "MOMMA! THE BALL PARK!"
All I could do was grin and giggle. He reminded me of when he was little...age 4 or 5. ALL into SEEING where he was going.
He was sitting forward in his seat in my truck...."don't you want to slide the seat back a bit to give you room for those long legs?" I asked.
"Nope!" he says with a shy smile....lopside with embarrassment. I have plenty of room...I just wanna BE there.
HoneyBoy.....I totally agree!
It was so much fun...he freaked a little when I reached for his hand...like I was going to hold it. I was reaching for his glasses to put them in my purse....He was laughing so hard by then!
The 'season club membership' parking area was just outside of 3rd base...and just across the street!
THAT is where we got to park!
Nice young man that let us do that :)
We got in and program book was purchased!
Then a couple of pretzels...a beer for me...and then a coke for Jason...and onto the seats.
2nd tier by the 1st base. Sun behind us and a great breeze in the shade!
During the game we talked ...he explained....we remembered together.
Late in the 8th inning, Jason bought us dinner. Best food I have ever eaten there. Jason and I had a lot of agreeing in the way that the game was played.
Nice to say that the Rangers WON against the Seattle Mariners.
We plan on trying to get season tickets to go to the Minor Leagues in Frisco.
Cheaper and close to home. Dates for us to share.
I remember making his ball games and soccer games when he was little. I missed only 1 because I fell asleep in my car after working all night.
The Tennis matches I watched some of too. He has a fantastic serve just like his Daddy does. This ManChild can really move quick and fast! Amazingly so. When he wasn't able to play baseball in the last year of high school...he was an assistant. I wish I had gone to those, games too.
I used to play softball in school. I like sports...when I am at the fields or playing in them.
I totally get my BoyChild on the enthusiasm.
My Momma is like that, too.
HoneyBoy....I loved the game!
Can't wait to watch you play next Monday night!
*sigh* life is good.
Warm evening....and a breeze is blowing, thank goodness!
I have a date!
The special man is none other than my son, Jason Sterling.
He hates his middle name but it defines him to a 'T'.
He is taking me to the Texas Rangers Game at The Ameriquest Field (when did it change names?) in Arlington.
(I liked it better as the 'Ballpark')
I have gone to pick him up because he loaned his car to one of his roommates to go to the college that evening.
McKinney isn't that far really...and It gives me more time to chat with him!
My Baby Boy is 22. Tall and rather cute (no prejudism here).
I love talking with him. He is amazing in his opinion. He is pretty silent and gives short answers when feeling like someone is probing...like his mom does (whoEVER she is!).
When he has an opinion....watch it!
He is very direct and cuts no corners...Like his sister in that regard!
YOU should have tried raising 2 Aquarians in a home together. They kids are as different from each other as night and day. Both are as talented as each other...and strong in their beliefs.
Anyway...My date and I are going to the ballgame!
The last one we attended together was in 1999. The last game of the century at the Ball Park in Arlington.
This year we are attending and enjoying watching the game. Jason is very good at explaining the finer details of the game to me and the stats...man the stats.
He and I both use the program to read items about the players.
Want to know when the best time was?
Guess....come on....
When we were turning onto the road of the Ball Park...HE got all excited and clapped his hands and said "MOMMA! THE BALL PARK!"
All I could do was grin and giggle. He reminded me of when he was little...age 4 or 5. ALL into SEEING where he was going.
He was sitting forward in his seat in my truck...."don't you want to slide the seat back a bit to give you room for those long legs?" I asked.
"Nope!" he says with a shy smile....lopside with embarrassment. I have plenty of room...I just wanna BE there.
HoneyBoy.....I totally agree!
It was so much fun...he freaked a little when I reached for his hand...like I was going to hold it. I was reaching for his glasses to put them in my purse....He was laughing so hard by then!
The 'season club membership' parking area was just outside of 3rd base...and just across the street!
THAT is where we got to park!
Nice young man that let us do that :)
We got in and program book was purchased!
Then a couple of pretzels...a beer for me...and then a coke for Jason...and onto the seats.
2nd tier by the 1st base. Sun behind us and a great breeze in the shade!
During the game we talked ...he explained....we remembered together.
Late in the 8th inning, Jason bought us dinner. Best food I have ever eaten there. Jason and I had a lot of agreeing in the way that the game was played.
Nice to say that the Rangers WON against the Seattle Mariners.
We plan on trying to get season tickets to go to the Minor Leagues in Frisco.
Cheaper and close to home. Dates for us to share.
I remember making his ball games and soccer games when he was little. I missed only 1 because I fell asleep in my car after working all night.
The Tennis matches I watched some of too. He has a fantastic serve just like his Daddy does. This ManChild can really move quick and fast! Amazingly so. When he wasn't able to play baseball in the last year of high school...he was an assistant. I wish I had gone to those, games too.
I used to play softball in school. I like sports...when I am at the fields or playing in them.
I totally get my BoyChild on the enthusiasm.
My Momma is like that, too.
HoneyBoy....I loved the game!
Can't wait to watch you play next Monday night!
*sigh* life is good.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Every night there is a different scene in my head.
Sometimes the movement is fast and barely remembered...then there are the ones that are so slow that I am exhausted in the morning.
Lately there have been many dreams of happiness.
Seeing my children as small ones and having them turn around in a blink of and eye to being adults and showing me the newborne babies they each have.
Seeing family that have gone on in their life and seeing them smile.
Seeing my Xanadu playing and waiting for me....she throws a ball at me and does the game "got your bone" growl.
I woke up with a smile after Xanadu played with me last night.
Strange times to become attached to memories.
I have been going to my son's softball games and am having a BLAST at it!
He is awesomely animated during play...and so concentrated when at bat. Just like when he was 8.
I helped my daughter move and have been served a most delicious dinner in her new home. The new place really fits her and Jordan. It is warm, cozy, earthy, and spacious.
My niece is doing well after her adventure and has been visiting me regularly!
The cats are doing well...Marty (my room mate) returned from Burning Man full of insight and calmness.
I miss my other room mates Bob and Sharon.
They are now 'married and own a home' while being stylishly coupled.
My other friends are returning from adventures and some are on the journey of their life.
I seem to be the one that is the center spoke for some reason. Even though I do a lot of travel to different homes....they all tell me of the adventures.
They leave and return.
I want to go somewhere.
Someplace I have never been to before.
(which leaves the world pretty open)
My mind travels...and my heart travels. I just wish I could be moving my body along with it.
I enjoy my new job. I like fixing things and figuring out problems.
I think the biggest thing I like to do is to sing and laugh.
I haven't had the time to fly my kites...or climb much...or ride much...or run much at all!
But I seem to be very busy laughing. That is very good. I am healthy and I am enjoying who has come into my life.
It seems strange at times.
I don't want to date anyone else...I don't want to do my normal running around.
I love to dance...but the laughter I share with Joe has been tremendous.
We don't run out of things to talk about.
One of these days I hope that all I know will meet him.
For now...He is enjoyment., comfort, and extremely patient with me.
Goodness knows he needs it! (if you know me that is ;) ...
I miss having the time to write. I like the exhaustion my mind has.
I do work 2 jobs currently so I haven't been very available.
I am happier than I have been in a LONG time.
The happiest moments are still reserved for my children.
Maybe, one of these days, there will be other Children to have happiness about...but that time is in the future.
I am thankful, and grateful, and well loved by my family and friends.
Even the cats love me at night....purring in my ears and snuggled up close.
Time is good and plentiful.
Kisses and hugs and gentle 'butt pattings' to all.
Oh...Deadhead...travel safely and in Light.
Sometimes the movement is fast and barely remembered...then there are the ones that are so slow that I am exhausted in the morning.
Lately there have been many dreams of happiness.
Seeing my children as small ones and having them turn around in a blink of and eye to being adults and showing me the newborne babies they each have.
Seeing family that have gone on in their life and seeing them smile.
Seeing my Xanadu playing and waiting for me....she throws a ball at me and does the game "got your bone" growl.
I woke up with a smile after Xanadu played with me last night.
Strange times to become attached to memories.
I have been going to my son's softball games and am having a BLAST at it!
He is awesomely animated during play...and so concentrated when at bat. Just like when he was 8.
I helped my daughter move and have been served a most delicious dinner in her new home. The new place really fits her and Jordan. It is warm, cozy, earthy, and spacious.
My niece is doing well after her adventure and has been visiting me regularly!
The cats are doing well...Marty (my room mate) returned from Burning Man full of insight and calmness.
I miss my other room mates Bob and Sharon.
They are now 'married and own a home' while being stylishly coupled.
My other friends are returning from adventures and some are on the journey of their life.
I seem to be the one that is the center spoke for some reason. Even though I do a lot of travel to different homes....they all tell me of the adventures.
They leave and return.
I want to go somewhere.
Someplace I have never been to before.
(which leaves the world pretty open)
My mind travels...and my heart travels. I just wish I could be moving my body along with it.
I enjoy my new job. I like fixing things and figuring out problems.
I think the biggest thing I like to do is to sing and laugh.
I haven't had the time to fly my kites...or climb much...or ride much...or run much at all!
But I seem to be very busy laughing. That is very good. I am healthy and I am enjoying who has come into my life.
It seems strange at times.
I don't want to date anyone else...I don't want to do my normal running around.
I love to dance...but the laughter I share with Joe has been tremendous.
We don't run out of things to talk about.
One of these days I hope that all I know will meet him.
For now...He is enjoyment., comfort, and extremely patient with me.
Goodness knows he needs it! (if you know me that is ;) ...
I miss having the time to write. I like the exhaustion my mind has.
I do work 2 jobs currently so I haven't been very available.
I am happier than I have been in a LONG time.
The happiest moments are still reserved for my children.
Maybe, one of these days, there will be other Children to have happiness about...but that time is in the future.
I am thankful, and grateful, and well loved by my family and friends.
Even the cats love me at night....purring in my ears and snuggled up close.
Time is good and plentiful.
Kisses and hugs and gentle 'butt pattings' to all.
Oh...Deadhead...travel safely and in Light.
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