Home...home on the range.
I don't want to own a house for a while again.
Marty, Tracy, and I went looking for a place on Saturday. I think we found one and hopefully it will work out for us to be there.
The house is actually in Farmers Branch. Not too far from where Marty used to live with Antje, et al. It has an awesome stove!
I really like it and it feels peaceful and loving.
That is really important to me. The walls are a soft green. The bedrooms all have Hardwoods and then there is carpet elswhere. A nice sized yard with a tall fence. It even has peekaboo holes so that Tracy's little pug can see out into the alleyway.
Keeping my fingers crossed.
(I think it is where we will be)
I will be out of town this weekend. To watch the family go through the processes of grief. My Uncle Searcy was a very giving man. He didn't always used to be...but he grew into a very solid faith based individual. It wasn't always him believing the way everyone else did. He used to say that one of the things he did best was to garden. He felt good raising food and sharing it with those who were on hard times. He took care of my grandmother her last 2 years of life. He raised (as it was because he always wanted to be with them) my Daddy. I always spent time at Uncle Searcy and Aunt Neat's home. My sisters would go to Grandmother Mary's or Aunt Maude's.
I am looking forward to seeing my cousins. There are not many left now out of a huge family.
Uncle Searcy was special... as we all are.

That's Uncle Searcy with my brother-in-law Gene.
He worked the VFW hall and was a veteran. He served on the USS Suwannee. He served in battle and in heart. I learned alot about skim-pissin (which is a type of shoveling technique in a garden) as well as learning how to garden and to look at things in nature.
home...home on the range.
Kinda depends on where you travel to in thought
... and in heart.