oh my how time flys on by.
back from burning man (pictures to follow)
it has been 2 weeks already? it was a fantastic time!
Dan and I spent most the time walking around and talking together on our perspectives and discussing our life together in future events.
I did come back from the burn event with a very sore and stiff back. Unusually so.
I went to my GP and he sent me immediately to a orthopedic surgeon.
Now this kinda sucks a bit in my opinion. But then again I don't normally LIKE going to see doctors.
Imagine that.
SO...I ended up seeing 3 doctors in the span of 4 hours.
Dang it.
Got sent to have x-rays and then assigned to go have an MRI.
Darn it again.
SO...after x-ray it is clearly seen that I have and area that is a LOT closer than it should be in my spin.
MRI shows the same. (THAT was a painful hour of laying on my back in spasms.)
SUBJECT of next meeting? what to do with Circe
Turns out HE believes it to be degenerative disk disease....with only 1 disk affected?
Hmmm. I know how many times I landed on my ass doing "something".
So I have a collapsed disk at L5-S1.
HOPEFULLY on 9/24/07 @ 2:30 PM the doc will inject my spine with cortisone and it will solve the issue.
OR at least deaden the pain so I can work on therapy exercises to get things into a proper line up.
If not..... then maybe a second one....and if that fails, then the 2nd doc is wanting to fuse the vertebrae.
dang it...... VERY disappointed and hurting right now.
Burning man was fantastic!
My grandson is growing.
My daughter has been offered a global position with Whole Foods Market.
My son is happy in Florida.
My niece is dating a really NICE guy right now!
Myschevia is coming! A much smaller regional burn that I have gone to since the first one 3 years ago in Cisco.
This has been moved to East Texas now in Hughes Springs. BEAUTIFUL area!
Dan, Sean and I drove up there this weekend to have the boys set up a GP MEDIUM tent. This is a HUGE army tent that is 16'x30'. Amazing how it goes up!
I watched and took pictures while all the people set it up.
10 people: less than an hour and a half to complete.
Dan tells me it takes 4 to set it up in 2 hours in the army. It took us 10 :)
I am slowly moving a few things here and there down to Dan's (and soon to be mine) place in South Dallas. We are actually just south of Downtown.
Yes, MaryLou... there are pets.
Lucky, the black cat born on a Friday the 13th, is 14.
Zoe, the dog, is 5.
There are DARLINGS.
I hurt guys so I am signing off. Today is the injection. I am sure that I will be online tomorrow with tales of adventure!
Kisses to all.