Monday, February 11, 2008

all things to consider

Hmmm... back surgery, loss of job, truck troubles, new puppy, finding job, Bestest Friend visiting from S. Korea.

been a busy girl.
I know one thing for sure.
I am happy.
I am healthy.
I do have some awesome real friends.
Learning who is an aquaintance now that used to be "on the inside" circle of Circe's world.
Amazed at my children.
Happy birthday very soon to you both!
Granson is growing by leaps and bounds.
I can still love someone without having to wait on them to grow.
I am learning too.

gosh....amazing even to me.
Marty and I have had a blast with setting up computer stuff and hanging out with each other. Talking and laughing and talking more to include his thoughts on a new life as a married man :)

All in all I am happy and good.
More a little later.

Goodness it is so cool to have someone so interested in computers and linux that he works with me on it.