Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Hey there! I'm joining my Techie-Geek friends!

Well.... I have FINALLY gone and done it!
I have started a blog.
This will either drive me nuts trying to keep up with all of you or it will be a total relief on a mind that thinks a lot but doesn't get a voice.

Okay, OCCASIONALLY doesn't get a voice ;)
To know me is to be blown away at times.

Tonight I was indoor rock climbing at Stoneworks Climbing Gym http://www.stoneworkssilos.com/ and taking pictures. It was a blast as usual. The weather is fantastic in Dallas,TX right now. There are even outdoor routes to climb so that you can see around the neighborhoods and feel a delightful breeze tickle the sweat off of your body.
I have several friends who climb there, too.
There is Marty, Who is currently working in Ullsan, South Korea... http://martywanderer.typepad.com/tdk/
Antje, my girlfriend, is German and a wonderful cook! http://rockgirlantje.blogspot.com/
Mike, is Antje's Love and a hell of a mountain and street bike rider! http://www.fractional-cio.com
Then there is Cecil... who is TOTALLY crazy! He lives bi-coastal at the moment. http://3pop.blogs.com/
Don't get me wrong all you guys...I have no prejudism. Okay a LITTLE prejudism. The prejudism is towards a person that is intentionally hurtful, either emotionally or physically, to another person or animal. THOSE kind of people do not deserve my grace. I do hope that they will learn before their end is here though.
Yes, I tend to be the eternal optimist. I can also see the other views as well. That is what I get for being a Libra. http://www.astrology-insight.com/libra.htm

I also ride a GT 'Outpost' Mountain bike http://www.gtmountainbikes.com/mountain/?b=moun&cc= a little older now...but WELL worth my enjoyment!
I also use a lot of trails from DORBA http://www.dorba.org/ .
I ride a Lotus Street Bike http://www.sheldonbrown.com/japan.html#lotus (wonderful find from a technician at Bluebonnet Bicycles in Lewisville, TX.)
I love to camp, and I have run at the Palo Dura Canyon Race (at the young age of 43 I ran my FIRST 20K trail run). http://www.tpwd.state.tx.us/park/paloduro/
Red Spicer is the Race director.
I occasionally get in to Hashing which is a running club (check out www.dfwh3.org) and helping a little at the NTTR that Antje is involved in. (www.nttr.org)

Okay...this is enough for now...there shall be more later!


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