I LOVE this time of year!
I like dressing in costume and no one thinks it is weird.
The strange thing about a new moon? Things start over.
Sometimes without the willingness to have it happen..and sometimes with.
On that note...
I am looking for a job again.
Contract ended at the last place of employment. I enjoyed what I did so perhaps I will do something similar.
Not sure....but looking.
New Moon Rises...we're all on the run....
Monday, October 31, 2005
Sunday, October 30, 2005
There is something totally unique about the experience of riding your own life.
It doesn't matter who is involved outside of yourself.
We all have experiences that we talk about and share, but the truth is....no one else can truly feel it the way you do.
Mountain bike riding or Street bike riding has that feel for me. No one but me can see the experience or feel the trail as I do at the moment I am riding it. I am pushing myself to be better. Just like life...there are some surprises on the trails. You can bust forth and go through it or be timid and walk around.
You can do one thing on a trail that you cannot do in living...that is to go back and not go forward.
The same thing exsists in Rock Climbing. There is a dependancy on your partner to be watchful adn trustworthy with the rope....but all else is dependant on you. That is the only person that can get up on the wall and test their wits, ingenuity, and strength.
Camping is being in nature without the security of solid walls. THe trust that your knowledge will allow you to enjoy life naturally.
All of these statements have a point...of such.
I realized that in my life I can trust some people with the essence of me...my thoughts, my hopes, my dreams, my fears.
It is only I that can truly compete against myself to become more.
They can be shared with like minded souls.
The season turn...and so do I.
It doesn't matter who is involved outside of yourself.
We all have experiences that we talk about and share, but the truth is....no one else can truly feel it the way you do.
Mountain bike riding or Street bike riding has that feel for me. No one but me can see the experience or feel the trail as I do at the moment I am riding it. I am pushing myself to be better. Just like life...there are some surprises on the trails. You can bust forth and go through it or be timid and walk around.
You can do one thing on a trail that you cannot do in living...that is to go back and not go forward.
The same thing exsists in Rock Climbing. There is a dependancy on your partner to be watchful adn trustworthy with the rope....but all else is dependant on you. That is the only person that can get up on the wall and test their wits, ingenuity, and strength.
Camping is being in nature without the security of solid walls. THe trust that your knowledge will allow you to enjoy life naturally.
All of these statements have a point...of such.
I realized that in my life I can trust some people with the essence of me...my thoughts, my hopes, my dreams, my fears.
It is only I that can truly compete against myself to become more.
They can be shared with like minded souls.
The season turn...and so do I.
Friday, October 28, 2005
rememberance of another home
To spend time with your best friend doing things that made him happy in memories. THAT is a wonderful celebration!
Tonight Marty and I went to a Korean B-B-Q place. BEST dang Korean food I have ever had!
What little I have had. It was very cool watching the reactions of the staff as Marty is speaking Korean to them. Selecting the food adn just chatting to them. I learned a few words about food tonight. It is really an amazing language. It appears mathematical!
After we ate we went to a Norabong. This is a Kareoke place. The rooms are private and it was a blast!
Disco Lights spinning...mikes in our hands...and some good songs we loved to sing being destroyed by our voices!
Actually we did pretty well.
I do NOT like to sing with reverb tho!
Some of my notes were ....a tad off!
Especially when I looked at Marty and his eyes are sqwinched shut...and laughing along with me.
It was a blast tonight.
One I won't soon forget...nor will he because it reminded him of a place he loves.
Tonight Marty and I went to a Korean B-B-Q place. BEST dang Korean food I have ever had!
What little I have had. It was very cool watching the reactions of the staff as Marty is speaking Korean to them. Selecting the food adn just chatting to them. I learned a few words about food tonight. It is really an amazing language. It appears mathematical!
After we ate we went to a Norabong. This is a Kareoke place. The rooms are private and it was a blast!
Disco Lights spinning...mikes in our hands...and some good songs we loved to sing being destroyed by our voices!
Actually we did pretty well.
I do NOT like to sing with reverb tho!
Some of my notes were ....a tad off!
Especially when I looked at Marty and his eyes are sqwinched shut...and laughing along with me.
It was a blast tonight.
One I won't soon forget...nor will he because it reminded him of a place he loves.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
One of my gifts

Happy Birthday to my Momma
Like an Amber Rose
She blooms in the command of the sun
Shining brightly
To all she happens upon.
Like an Amber Rose
My mother
Exotic and strange
Yet eternal all the same
No one can say
Just where she transpires
All we know is that she graces us all
That bloom that never expires
Created by Amanda Rainey 10/20/2005
the month is ALMOST gone....
but NOT forgotten!
It has been an amazing birthday this year.
I have received some of the most wonderful gifts from my friends. They involved Trust, Honesty, Music, and Love.
Some of the love was a tad hard on my butt ( thanks for the spankings, Bob! You need lessons from Ann Hammond!)
There were gifts of the softest skin (and in many colors!) and fibers.
There were gifts of Light.
There were gifts that came from the stars and Earth all tolled up into one.
There were words that warmed my heart.
There were so many that it is impossible to write the amount of gratitude I feel.
I hope you all can feel the deep appreciation I have for the thoughts, the words, and the love.
I have enough.
at least enough to last me until the next birthday month!
Love you ALL!
It has been an amazing birthday this year.
I have received some of the most wonderful gifts from my friends. They involved Trust, Honesty, Music, and Love.
Some of the love was a tad hard on my butt ( thanks for the spankings, Bob! You need lessons from Ann Hammond!)
There were gifts of the softest skin (and in many colors!) and fibers.
There were gifts of Light.
There were gifts that came from the stars and Earth all tolled up into one.
There were words that warmed my heart.
There were so many that it is impossible to write the amount of gratitude I feel.
I hope you all can feel the deep appreciation I have for the thoughts, the words, and the love.
I have enough.
at least enough to last me until the next birthday month!
Love you ALL!
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Am I THAT old????
Now this is funny!
My sisters and I have birthdays that are REALLY close together.
I am the oldest and my birthday is Oct 20.
Annavee is the middle child and her birthday is
Oct 17.
Jacqueline is the baby and her birthday is
Oct 18.
See what I mean?
My sisters were my first year and second year birthday presents!
Now THAT is a gift that keeps on giving.
Thanks Momma and Daddy!
I made birthday cards for my sisters. I like to hand make gifts or give of myself. It means more to me to come from the heart and hands.
I made these cards by embossing. Took some time to do and I had so much fun decorating them with pastels and with watercolor pencils.
The most fun part was watching my sisters as they read them.
The funniest was that EACH of them asked me the same thing.
"Is THAT how old I am?"
I had placed their age on the front of each card.
It is strange to me that they do not remember their ages.
They have mostly gone by how old I am.
That's right!
I'm the leader of the pack! (imagine a motorcycle revving up here)
There are some things that we depend on our parents to remember. There are somethings that we depend on by what is written down.
Memories are made to always be shared. EACH is a perception of our own lives that when recited to others, or even to ourselves, becomes a legend.
I miss some of my memories that I haven't chosen to recall in a long time. Not until I run into someone from those past life times.
Then it is like a floodgate that opens and carries me along its rushing river. I bounce and float along and allow myself to be carried in thought.
All occurs very quickly.
Then I smile.
I can remember.
More than just your ages my dear sisters.
I remember the laughter...the hiding and seeking games.
I remember looking at you as babies. I remember thinking how much like my dolls you both were.
I have the age to be the oldest sister.
I have the knowledge that I will ALWAYS be your older sister.
Even if Annavee and I are 'twins' for 3 day. I am the oldest and I will always try to be here to pass on the memories that you girls may not remember.....just at an odd moment...and I will enjoy the memories that you have also!
Yes, my dearest sisters... you are that old!
Happy Birthday Annavee (45)
Happy Birthday Jacqueline (44)
I am going to be 46!
Woo Hoo! What a ride!
Laughing at the memories of rolling down our front yard hill....
all encased in cardboard boxes.
Remembering the fun of jumping out of our back yard tree that was REALLY tall....and landing on the bedsprings on the other side of the fence.
Now THAT was fun!
I taught my sisters how to climb the trees. Unfortunately, Momma didn't think it was fun at all seeing us falling!
I hope that for EACH of my sisters that they have a wonderful birthday full of being spoiled.
Spoiled by laughter, hugs, and love.
I think you girls would be surprised at how much you are in my thoughts. How much I treasure each of you.
I know I don't visit physically that often. But you are both in my heart. I love you BOTH so very much.
I can't imagine my life without you girls being in it.
You are both my anchors, also. When I get to being to much about the world...I go and visit you and feel home.
Happy Birthday coming up to all 3 of us!
Love you special.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
What's in a name
My parents ....bless them....
I have an unusual name for sure.
Circe Rexene
get this:
Circe is from Greek Mythology....everyone knows that one (I tell them often enough anyway).
Rexene is.....
a microgranular iron chelate and is
developed for the correction and prevention of iron
deficiency in a wide range of agricultural and
horticultural crops, particularly in alkaline and
calcareous soils. Rexene gives best effect when
applied dissolved to the plants through the soil or
rooting media.
like OMG!
Redheaded too!
Rusty from the inside out!
Iron maiden here I AM!
I found it funny
never know where your roots come from
or in this case...
what your roots are fed by!
My parents ....bless them....
I have an unusual name for sure.
Circe Rexene
get this:
Circe is from Greek Mythology....everyone knows that one (I tell them often enough anyway).
Rexene is.....
a microgranular iron chelate and is
developed for the correction and prevention of iron
deficiency in a wide range of agricultural and
horticultural crops, particularly in alkaline and
calcareous soils. Rexene gives best effect when
applied dissolved to the plants through the soil or
rooting media.
like OMG!
Redheaded too!
Rusty from the inside out!
Iron maiden here I AM!
I found it funny
never know where your roots come from
or in this case...
what your roots are fed by!

Friday, October 07, 2005
Time off
Oh how I LOVE October! SNAP in the air.
I am going camping this weekend.
with about 275 people :)
It is so nice and cool!
It will be in the Texas hill country.
I missed going to Burning Man and this is a regional Burn event called "Myschevia".
I am so jazzed about camping out!
Unfortunately with my work Schedule I will not be able to attend the Palo Duro Canyon Race this year. I love that place.
Well time to pack!
Talk to you all after I return!
Have a wonderful weekend!
I am going camping this weekend.
with about 275 people :)
It is so nice and cool!
It will be in the Texas hill country.
I missed going to Burning Man and this is a regional Burn event called "Myschevia".
I am so jazzed about camping out!
Unfortunately with my work Schedule I will not be able to attend the Palo Duro Canyon Race this year. I love that place.
Well time to pack!
Talk to you all after I return!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Monday, October 03, 2005
Whoot! Whoot!
ANOTHER perfect day!
Amanda and Jordan have been married 1 year today!
3:20 pm to be exact :)
Next thing...I got to have lunch with the two celebs!
Next thing...
I got a call from a friend in Colorado Springs!
Get this...
Lisa is part of the Hash House Harriers in that area. Her hash name is "Strip Me".
She is 'lost' and trying to find the Hash start for the DIM (Damn It's Monday) hash.
Guess who she calls?
Me...hash name "Slinky"
I give her the directions. This is NO way for a hasher to find a trail run!
I call up the hares and leave a message...but during the message...Bloody Z calls me back.
I tell Bloody Z that a lost hasher from Colorado Springs, CO called Dallas,TX to get trail directions...and she SHOULD be given a Down-Down for the 'lost' senerio!
I also think she needs to do a proxy Down-Down for the harriette that gave her the directions!
Ohhhh...sometimes it is good to be a prankster...but in the same step
Sad to be known for being at a computer!
Laughing at myself again!
Hey Strip Me...
Have a beer for me, will ya?
And to all those hashers in the Pike's Peak area....
Amanda and Jordan have been married 1 year today!
3:20 pm to be exact :)
Next thing...I got to have lunch with the two celebs!
Next thing...
I got a call from a friend in Colorado Springs!
Get this...
Lisa is part of the Hash House Harriers in that area. Her hash name is "Strip Me".
She is 'lost' and trying to find the Hash start for the DIM (Damn It's Monday) hash.
Guess who she calls?
Me...hash name "Slinky"
I give her the directions. This is NO way for a hasher to find a trail run!
I call up the hares and leave a message...but during the message...Bloody Z calls me back.
I tell Bloody Z that a lost hasher from Colorado Springs, CO called Dallas,TX to get trail directions...and she SHOULD be given a Down-Down for the 'lost' senerio!
I also think she needs to do a proxy Down-Down for the harriette that gave her the directions!
Ohhhh...sometimes it is good to be a prankster...but in the same step
Sad to be known for being at a computer!
Laughing at myself again!
Hey Strip Me...
Have a beer for me, will ya?
And to all those hashers in the Pike's Peak area....
Sunday, October 02, 2005
it's THE day again....
22 years ago today, Jack Adney and Mary Lou Adney
joined their lives together in marriage.
There have been many lessons along the way.
There have been many joys added, also.
I hope that this anniversary finds you both
Happy in heart
Wealthy in spirit
Loving each other to the depths of your hearts.
I wish you both total JOY and lots of laughter.
Love you!
Circe, thank you so much for remembering. That was really sweet of you and we appreciate your kind wishes. However, you need to remember how old your daughter was when we got married. You're 1 year off - it's our 23rd! Ha
Whoops, I accidently sent this before I was finished writing that sentence, so I had to finish and send again. Ha
Hehehe...never mess with the owner of a Blog Mary Lou!
It will ace you EVERY time!
Love to you and Daddy. Hope it was a wonderful day!
22 years ago today, Jack Adney and Mary Lou Adney
joined their lives together in marriage.
There have been many lessons along the way.
There have been many joys added, also.
I hope that this anniversary finds you both
Happy in heart
Wealthy in spirit
Loving each other to the depths of your hearts.
I wish you both total JOY and lots of laughter.
Love you!
Circe, thank you so much for remembering. That was really sweet of you and we appreciate your kind wishes. However, you need to remember how old your daughter was when we got married. You're 1 year off - it's our 23rd! Ha
Whoops, I accidently sent this before I was finished writing that sentence, so I had to finish and send again. Ha
Hehehe...never mess with the owner of a Blog Mary Lou!
It will ace you EVERY time!
Love to you and Daddy. Hope it was a wonderful day!
Saturday, October 01, 2005
October First....birthday month in deed.
I have several friends who are celebrating their years upon this Earth this month!
Mike, Regina, Mark, My sisters Annavee and Jacque, John, Marty's daughter Jessica, and...omg I think I have forgotten a couple!
My birthday is this month also!
Then there are other celebrations:
My Daddy and my Stepmom's 22nd Anniversary
My daughter Amanda and her husband Jordan's FIRST Anniversary
I hope I haven't forgotten other Anniversary celebrations.
All Hallow's Eve...WHEE!
Fall arriving for real and soon the coolness and the snap of the different colors of the world.
It is a time for festivities, gatherings and laughter.
We all know how I like to dress up in costumes or in finery.
Can't help it...
It's fun and it isn't something that most people allow themselves to do since they were children!
I loved dressing in costumes. Especially when I was a bellydancer.
There was grace to the movements and songs were played for my enjoyment.
I just wanted to remember that there is laughter at any memory I have and at any given moment!
Enjoy the October month....celebrate and be creative!
I have several friends who are celebrating their years upon this Earth this month!
Mike, Regina, Mark, My sisters Annavee and Jacque, John, Marty's daughter Jessica, and...omg I think I have forgotten a couple!
My birthday is this month also!
Then there are other celebrations:
My Daddy and my Stepmom's 22nd Anniversary
My daughter Amanda and her husband Jordan's FIRST Anniversary
I hope I haven't forgotten other Anniversary celebrations.
All Hallow's Eve...WHEE!
Fall arriving for real and soon the coolness and the snap of the different colors of the world.
It is a time for festivities, gatherings and laughter.
We all know how I like to dress up in costumes or in finery.
Can't help it...
It's fun and it isn't something that most people allow themselves to do since they were children!
I loved dressing in costumes. Especially when I was a bellydancer.
There was grace to the movements and songs were played for my enjoyment.
I just wanted to remember that there is laughter at any memory I have and at any given moment!
Enjoy the October month....celebrate and be creative!
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