Now this is funny!
My sisters and I have birthdays that are REALLY close together.
I am the oldest and my birthday is Oct 20.
Annavee is the middle child and her birthday is
Oct 17.
Jacqueline is the baby and her birthday is
Oct 18.
See what I mean?
My sisters were my first year and second year birthday presents!
Now THAT is a gift that keeps on giving.
Thanks Momma and Daddy!
I made birthday cards for my sisters. I like to hand make gifts or give of myself. It means more to me to come from the heart and hands.
I made these cards by embossing. Took some time to do and I had so much fun decorating them with pastels and with watercolor pencils.
The most fun part was watching my sisters as they read them.
The funniest was that EACH of them asked me the same thing.
"Is THAT how old I am?"
I had placed their age on the front of each card.
It is strange to me that they do not remember their ages.
They have mostly gone by how old I am.
That's right!
I'm the leader of the pack! (imagine a motorcycle revving up here)
There are some things that we depend on our parents to remember. There are somethings that we depend on by what is written down.
Memories are made to always be shared. EACH is a perception of our own lives that when recited to others, or even to ourselves, becomes a legend.
I miss some of my memories that I haven't chosen to recall in a long time. Not until I run into someone from those past life times.
Then it is like a floodgate that opens and carries me along its rushing river. I bounce and float along and allow myself to be carried in thought.
All occurs very quickly.
Then I smile.
I can remember.
More than just your ages my dear sisters.
I remember the laughter...the hiding and seeking games.
I remember looking at you as babies. I remember thinking how much like my dolls you both were.
I have the age to be the oldest sister.
I have the knowledge that I will ALWAYS be your older sister.
Even if Annavee and I are 'twins' for 3 day. I am the oldest and I will always try to be here to pass on the memories that you girls may not remember.....just at an odd moment...and I will enjoy the memories that you have also!
Yes, my dearest sisters... you are that old!
Happy Birthday Annavee (45)
Happy Birthday Jacqueline (44)
I am going to be 46!
Woo Hoo! What a ride!
Laughing at the memories of rolling down our front yard hill....
all encased in cardboard boxes.
Remembering the fun of jumping out of our back yard tree that was REALLY tall....and landing on the bedsprings on the other side of the fence.
Now THAT was fun!
I taught my sisters how to climb the trees. Unfortunately, Momma didn't think it was fun at all seeing us falling!
I hope that for EACH of my sisters that they have a wonderful birthday full of being spoiled.
Spoiled by laughter, hugs, and love.
I think you girls would be surprised at how much you are in my thoughts. How much I treasure each of you.
I know I don't visit physically that often. But you are both in my heart. I love you BOTH so very much.
I can't imagine my life without you girls being in it.
You are both my anchors, also. When I get to being to much about the world...I go and visit you and feel home.
Happy Birthday coming up to all 3 of us!
Love you special.
1 comment:
Nothing but happy tears on these special days.
I may not have a biological sister, but proud to have Mitch in my life as a darn good substitute!
I love reading your blog, it takes me into your life when I don't get to see you as often.....
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