A discovery within myself. Patience is grand, but I have to make the time to accept myself outside of what I expect of myself.
Sound confusing?
Not really that but possibly self realizing and actualization.
So much of my time is spent on taking care of others.
I do fantastic massages. I do great at sewing and making things. I teach, I laugh, I uplift my friends when they feel down.
When do I allow them time to return the same?
Hard to catch me being still.
It seems that if I allow it or follow my heart instincts then I will hurt. That I do fear...hurting in my heart.
I want to change that.
I want to share more of my thoughts.
If you see me...then ask a question and LISTEN. Try not to interject because I will stop talking. Just the way I seem to react of late.
I want to be here. I want to find. I want to openly exist.
Sometimes it is perfectly alright to just ...
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