Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Good times get better....


The home is under contract!
We have a new place to live!
We will not keep the land line...cells only my dears!
I am jazzed and thrilled!
The couple that is buying the house are really nice....according to Marty.

We will be moving into Farmers Branch. I promise to post a picture or two.
I am pleased the couple loves this place. It had me when I walked into the door. It felt like home. Not bad for a 6 year stint!

The job is going well. I like it there very much. Learning new things all the time. Room to move upwards in my education, skills, and friendships ... believe it or not!
Realizing there is a multitude of things to accomplish in a little over two weeks

I am having a blast with my life.
I had a long reflection about my Uncle Searcy's passing on. Driving 7 hours one way gives you time...and music. Uncle Searcy taught me a lot about expectations I would have of myself. He instilled that in my Daddy, too.
It is good to feel.
My children are about to experience year 23 and 24.
Wonderful I think.
Sometimes I worry about them. They have good sense of doing what they need to do in order to learn from decisions and unknown opportunities.
That makes me happy know they are intelligent and caring.
My other family is healing also...all differently and positively I think.

I had a LOT of time to think and place values into my life.

Why is it that death does this to people. To realize mortality? To fear dreams not coming true? To Fail??
I think it is not for the fears...but for the excitement of decisions. To CHOOSE to have what is in your mind and heart is only because we truly deserve hapiness,
Not preaching my dears.
Self actualizations.
Choices...and knowing that we could never see what is coming in the future and arriving in amazing ways.
Romance, laughter, friendships, celebrations, sadness of heart, joy of reunions of all forms, and LIFE!

I am happy.

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