and This little guy's name?

He makes be be responsible for things I forget. Like eating and going outside and laughter.
I am still stressed at not having a job. Working on a LOT of things about myself.
I am trying to get jobs that I am even overqualified for and nothing seems to be working. I haer that from several people I know and they are in the same situation.
Still working with Texas Labor Laws and how I was handled at the last job. Being fired while still covered by a doctor for FMLA...not a good deal in my opinion. We will see.
Otherwise I am still losing weight appropriately. Hired out by friends and family for manual labor which doesn't bother me but it is inconsistent and there are no health benefits :)
So far I don't need them :)
I hope to see my children again soon. Maybe I can get an interview that sends me to Orlando so I can see my Honey Boy, Jason.
I sure miss him. Since he moved there it has been oddly lacking in my life of my odd moments of geek with my son.
My daughter is doing well and her husband and son are well too.
My niece is as usually caring busy and living a good life. Busy busy busy
I have a couple of friends that visit. Linda lives in the complex where I live so that is really nice.
NO money or steady income means no traveling except to do odd jobs or for interviews. Hope Jamba learns to run next to the bike soon. He is okay but still a puppy so he is unfocused. I do not wish to be dragged off my bike unexpectedly.
I have a doctors appointment tomorrow in the AM to x-ray the spine and see how the healing is progressing. STILL no pain!
Fantastic if you ask me. :)
So for now that is all there is.
Oh yeas...I do go to a HASH Crayfish boil the other night. Rob and Serena picked me up to go. Had a good time seeing some people I had not seen in 1.5 years. Heard the John is being sent back to Iraq and I am concerned on that. His birthday is the same as my baby sisters and we are the same age. If I dn't get a job soon..... I wonder if I can still go into the Armed Forces. It is a thought.
I have been helping a friend clear land and painting my sister's house on the inside. Maybe painting the other sister's home too soon.
Heard from Marty the other day! He called to harass me. That brought me great joy as he sounds so happy being married to MeYoung Hee.
Okay...time to continue searching!
I have had days when it seemed that my dog was the only thing that could get me out of bed. They don't understand depression or even ennui; they still need to go outside!
And they're never busy, either. Sounds like you've got a lot of possibilities right now, I hope some of them work out!
Thank you, Mara. It is nice to hear positiveness.
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