Friday, October 31, 2008

something GOOD


at home

Amazing how much time I spend at home now.

Tomorrow I am working at a party as a Tarot Reader....haven't done that in a few months.... reading publicly that is.

I come home from work... walk my dog... read or sew... watch a little TV.... and go to bed.
Pretty boring.
Is okay for the most part because I am quiet. Not much singing or dancing anymore.

I am peaceful though.
Tomorrow morning or Sunday morning I am to have a call from Marty for a coffee date. I sent him some foofy creamer and some books. :) I am looking forward to this.

I got to see my grandson for a few hours on Sunday *last Sunday* and 30 minutes on Wednesday. I seem to get out of work to late when he is here and he goes to bed early as a child should.

I miss him dearly. He is growing so very fast.

I think a lot.
I don't cry anymore.
I walk and take care of my responsibilities as I should.

So why is life silent, sad and boring except for the little glimmers that occasionally happen?

I guess DRAMA happens elsewhere these days

and that is fine.

Maybe this is what was meant when I was told "that one day I would live in silence."

Friday, October 24, 2008

consider this

No matter where you are at this moment in time there are others slowly seeing you migrate into someone that you wish or work on being.
They have a sight of who you think you are.

Trust your closest friend to be entirely honest with you in how your actions can be perceived.

Yes you will go through painful emotional involvements.
Yes there are people that you will never see or know again.

Those are so precious.
Laughter will fill my heart.

I realize that I may never meet a man that will share my hopes and dreams and curious quests in my lifetime and be my companion and cohort.

I have my family and that is WONDERFUL.

Family can be chosen. Friends are valuable with the same amount of honesty and heart as I love my family.

I wait for no one to come into my life because there are precious ones here already.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Happy me!

Yep! 49 today!

All in all I think it will be a wonderful day!
I went to my sister Annavee's house and painted some baseboards yesterday.
Annavee and Jacque are my younger sisters and both had a birthday recently too!
Annavee on the 17th (she is the middle child) and Jacqueline on the 18th (she's the baby child!)
Now that EVERYONE is caught up... :)

Last night my friend Joe took me out for dinner for my birthday. We went to Truluck's. He knows I adore seafood! Man it was a hard choice. BUT.... There was a appetizer that was something I have never tried before. Brazilian Pachu Fish Ribs. This was delicious! A cousin of the Parana's and it tasted like: PORK!!! Hehehe is was made with a bar-b-que sauce and grilled watermelon (interesting!) and a delightful coleslaw. Next was a delightful and tasty Pablano Pepper soup which I will figure out! I had a fantastic Lobster (10-12 oz) from Australia. (yes I know it is a SIN to waste the opportunity of having a FRESH main Lobster that was flown in today) with Parmesan and garlic mashed potatoes (NEVER as smooth as Sally Rainey's) and grilled Asparagus. Then came dessert that was a chocolate souffle served like I have never had before! It was made with the center being liquid chocolate.
Had 2 glasses of Vouvray Wine (Chardonnay) and a Tawney Port with desert.

So the rest of the day is starting but I wanted to say GOOD MORNING AMERICA!!!

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Zephyr and his drum solo debute

Coming home from the Austin Zoo (means the Austin Animal Rescue) was more than just a car ride.

Amanda's Blog beat me to the film!

It was a truly marvelous adventure :)

Monday, October 06, 2008

Home again Home again...jiggity jig

Got back last night from Austin. I really love that city :) Unfortunately my job doesn't allow for constant telecommutes :)

There are more friendly people there than I have EVER met in Dallas and I have been here since I was 5 & 1/2.
My daughter asked me when I was moving down with a huge smile on her face.
I am not, Honey Girl. My job unfortunately is in Dallas.

Doesn't stop me from searching. No longer tied down to a pseudo relationship that was all my own doing. Unrealized unconfirmed emotions that I set up for my own emotional hell and I FINALLY got it.

Too damn old to trust that scene again. It is amazing at how much love you can FEEL and see in a child's smile and attempts to converse.

Zephyr does NOT like for you to "make up words" to converse with him. He is gaining several words a day. This weekend I was in Austin to babysit him for my Daughter and Son in Law's 4th Anniversary. Considering they have been together for 10 years already... It was a rather calm but fun weekend. So cool that they enjoy cards and dominoes games. Scrabble was the hit last time. I LOVE scrabble!
I did really well with the dominoes and Jordan was the big winner at Uno!

I got to talk to my son, Jason, on the way down. He has a girlfriend and she sounds really nice! Even into gaming like he is. That means a lot! She is also attending college within her close proximity of home in FL. Jason is doing really well at school and at his job.

Jambalaya is getting huge :)

I am not sure I want to attend Myschievia. That is a first.
Thinking on it.
I know I am carrying a rider...but my main concern is MY emotional health.

Home is where the heart is, isn't it?
I want to continue on my path of self reliance and sustainability. It may be that I end up having to work that weekend, too.
We went through a LOT of recent changes in my office and there were several that did not make the continued employment.

I find out today what the situation is at the office and then all decisions will be made.
I may end up moving ... I may end up staying.

Who knows?
Who besides me really cares anyway?

My children do that is for sure.

and again... yesterday as I was telling Zephyr "I love you" for his nap and my drive towards Dallas....

"Bye bye, Grannie love you" was clearly stated back.
God, he is growing fast. 20 months old and already has the brightest eyes of sky blue.
He has great understanding at his limited level of sharing heart felt love. He smiles and is entertained with laughter. He blinks so seriously at you when learning a new concept (read IE: potty training). His joy and applause at a job "well done!" and the delightful heart that sings when he is singing or drumming or laughing with you.

I know, it maybe grandmother syndrome but it is something I can say with great joy.
I did well raising my children. They are starting their own families now. They are showing love to themselves and to those that matter the most to them.
It was a wonderful walk and talk with Amanda and hearing the confirmation that she is glad to have her momma back again. "I was worried about you Momma. You were always in emotional trauma when with "him" and I am really glad to have you back and happy."

Yep, Kiddo,,,,, so am I. Glad to be me again.
It isn't that love isn't supposed to be in your life.

It is that love is supposed to be balanced and equal.