Sunday, October 18, 2009

it's ALL good

Yesterday was my middle sister's, Annavee, birthday.
Today is my baby sister's, Jacqueline, birthday.
Tuesday is my birthday.

Like we have done in the past.. we are celebrating our birthdays together. Today. Family and friends will gather.
I have invites only 2 people. My ex-husband, Steve, and his wife, Toni.
Yes.. I do enjoy their company. ESPECIALLY since we all share a common concern. Our children and grandson. Toni actually has 2 other grandchildren and I like seeing pictures of them too.
I don't have many CLOSE CLOSE CLOSE friends that I can invite. I would like to and part of my writing today deals with this.
It is ALL good. I know the friendship of people is a delicate thing. I enjoy so many in my life but there is the thing to recognize that everyone has a schedule. Maybe later today I will make it down to Lee Harvey's for the Puppy Prom and get to take Jambalaya :)
THAT would be awesome! (It's a burner thing you see) It is actually an event that is being put on to seek assistance for animals that need medical attention and no one can afford it or they are at the SPCA. It would be nice to be out with other people and my dog gets to attend. Actually he has learned he can scare people when he barks at them. :(
He is really a sweet heart but turning 2 he is becoming slightly protective/and is scared about it/ when meeting new beings. He loves to play. Trouble (my grand-dog) loves to play with Jambalaya!
I really enjoy taking him places with me. He loves kids. Especially Zephyr. :) Zephyr and him play chase, tag, roll around, and sometimes Jambalaya acts like a horse for Zephyr. That won't last for long as Zephyr is a tall 2 & 3/4 year old now. Jambalaya hears a child's voice or laughter and he looks for the child. Anxious to see if it is Z.

I love my family and miss seeing them. As soon as I get the school thing done and license in hand, I want to take a trip to FL to visit my son. I miss him dearly and I am SO very proud of him. He is attending college in FL and getting his degree in Network Engineering.
There is also the friends I have made in the DFW Burner community that always make me smile when I see them or read about their activities. They LOVE to go camping. This is something I have loved from childhood. Daddy would load us up and off we would go. Of course we usually got there late and set up camp by car lights :)
Now I can set up my gear without light or help but have never been lacking in assitance when I camp with burners. Sure, I do go off by myself sometimes. Need that occasionally. I like camping out with lots of people though.

So... today, I am going over to my sister's home. Annavee and Jacque live next door to each other which is convienent :) and we will all go to Jacque's house. My niece, her faince and his sone, My Momma and StepDad... and several of my sisters friends, and my cousin Janita will be there :) I do miss Pooka. (horable nickname isn't it? LOL) Steve and Toni ( I hope ) will come too. Momma and my sisters miss them also. It has been a long row to get to a level of comfort with Steve and myself. I am SO glad it has though. I never meant for our marriage to end with anger or hurts. I love getting to hear from the kids that "Dad...." and all. It makes me so happy that my kids can have a great relationship with all of us. It's important to me.

I can still see how beautiful Amanda looked as Steve gave her away at her wedding. I do wish that my parents had been in a dpot that my Momma had been able to feel comfortable enough to come to the wedding even though my Dad was there, too. I understand. I am so happy that Steve grew past his issues with me though and showed calmness. My Dad however doesn't make it easy at all after his divorce from my Mother.

That makes me sad at times. I know it is a different generation. I know it is different people.

Okay.. So now I am waiting for 8:30 am to call Jacque to sing to her for her birthday. I do this every year with my family on their days... except I usually call at midnight to be "first". LOL
Jacque turns her phone off until she wakes up :)
Smart woman.

Yesterday.. I worded at the Spa in the school. Had a great busy day. I always get compliments from the clients. Mine (for several years) that have been kind enough to assit in the internship and patience in waiting for me to complete my schoolong before I work again. I thing getting a massage from me for $35 is a great incentive as my normal prices do return upon licensure. :) All Good.
One lady yesterday damn near had me blushing :) She was very pleased at her massage and the pressure. I enjoy what I do. Have for over 32 years. I am really looking forward to never being a technician again. I will play with my computers when I want to. I will not be "fixing mistakes" for others.
Healing is so very different at heart. The massage not only relaxes a body but it helps the body to heal. I get to feeling very energized after each one.
I feel right and positive every time I do a massage. It is ALL good for me.

I know I wanted to write. I started my chimenea though and the smell is calling outside this morning :) I do wish my kids could be here for the party. It would make my year. I look forward to eventually being in Austin, though. I like that area. Maybe I will stay with amanda and Jordan in the new home they are buying (only for a SHORT while though). I will need a little time to locate where I want to live. I have become to independant to live with someone for long though.
I look forward to a trip to FL. I have never been there and it will be fun to see Jas and his pet, Iszume (a ferret that I am sure I am mis-spelling her name on), along with seeing his world there. I want to be able to afford more time to see him or help when I can.

I miss my friend, Robin. She goes aroung and about with me often. Joe is such a wonderful friend too. He has great patience and great advice for me. Next Friday we are going out for my after birthday dinner :) I wonder where we are going this year? I am uber excited about it :)
I do not get to see Linda as often with my school and her teaching... even though we live in the same complex... times are on opposites when we walk the dogs now.
She is doing well and I am happy for her teaching again. I miss some of the folks I once new. I look forward to meeting the ones I don't know yet, too.

50... hmm. Not bad at all. :)
I am sure I will be writing more. I like to reminisce at times.

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