Friday, March 05, 2010

there is more than just this

I dropped myspace.
I have a facebook (henceforth called FB) and I have this blog. There are people that cannot access FB or will not.

I am wonderfully well and excited.
I finally completed my license requirements. I am a licensed massage therapist. I no longer work at being a Technical Support drone and am self employed.
Don't get me wrong, I love computer work. I no longer have teh drive to keep up with it adn all the changes.

I like, and really enjoy, people more.
Life at times is so consumed with learning.... it is nice to get to assist in others relaxation and healing now.
Hopefully I can get my life back in order as the last job really hurt my finances. horribly.
It did allow me time for school though.
I will be writing more.. but wanted to touch base a little with me other worldly friends.

I personally like this forum much more than FB.


martypantsROK said...

I won't leave my blog, either. FB just can't do what it does - which is allow me to post more than a paragraph. FB is great for the ADD crowd, but sometimes, I want to read more than a blurb about my friends.

I'm happy you're not a "drone" anymore

Anonymous said...

My wife says I should sign up on facebook. She spends hours on it and checks in several times a day. Addiction? I tell her I have no interest in joining a "cult". That makes a lot of points. She's finally given up on my signing on. I get more out of randomingly veiwing people's blogs, which by the way is how I came here. Take care & enjoy.

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