Sunday, September 19, 2004

Can't help but think

There are times like these that I am so grateful for my life.
I don't have a lot to complain about at all!

I finished up a stringing a necklace yesterday.
Weird luck was that the silk thread broke halfway through the piece. Lucky for me I am creative!
Saved the necklace and it came out very awesome because it is unique and the soon to be owner should enjoy such a treasure!
I will not ever copy the design again.

I also fixed my sewing machine so I can finish up my daughter's wedding dress (fine tunings you see) and finish her custom sleeves.
God I miss sewing.
I have 3 outfits I want to sew for me once the wedding is OVER.
It is so fun planning all this with my daughter.
Now we are hoping for beautiful skies, a cool breeze and the leaves to turn their autums shades to enhance her day.
I have no clue as to how many will attend.
Unfortunately my bestest friend Marty is still in Korea. My girlfriend Antje and her boyfriend Mike are going to Italy, Jeff Carmichael moved to Oregon, Lisa lives in Colorado, and most of my family live in other states.
I really do miss my old friends and my family.

I spent 2 hours on the phone with my First Cousin Janita...she is STILL awesome. She is beautiful, talented, and I love her sense of humor with her straightforward manner of talking. I really want to go and visit her soon. She lives in Tucson, AZ.

Sometimes I wonder why it is that a human being gets so wrapped up in the day and then at night thinks of all 'that could have been done' but wasn't.
I am thankful that I can do and have fun doing....not a care as to how far I got...but I have done my best to do what I could.

Sounds like an excuse?
It isn't.
It is my thankfulness that I can do so many things.

Laughter is the best.

I told a friend last night (after I was complimented on my giggles) that "Laughter is bubbles for the soul". I meant it.

If you feel sad or lonely...find something that makes you laugh, it is uplifting and people would rather talk to you if you smile.
Now if you don't want to be bothered..then frown. No one likes being around a grump.

LOL because I would rather have fun in my life!


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