My grandmother used to tell me that I could go and do a 'special activity' without supervision "when pigs fly". She had some HUGE hogs that I remembered (I was about 8 or 9 at the time) trying to ride. Her farm hand, whose name was Spider, used to yell at us that we were 'gunna git hurt trying to ride Speedy (a HUGE mean hog of about 400 pounds). That was my grandmother Virginia's home. My grandpa's name was John. There was a lot of things that happened on those visits. Some were not pleasant at all.
The BEST thing I remember was getting to sleep on the sleeping porch. For those that don't know what that is, it is a screened in porch that has bedroom furniture and other items stored on it. You could lay there in the heat of summer and be fairly comfortable with a fan....all the breeze (if there was a breeze) seemed to help with the humidity of high summer in Arkansas. It was wonderful listening to all the creatures at night making their rounds.
The special activities were things that I wanted to go do by myself....hiking and hanging out in the town, fishing in the creek, or walking to other places that were a 'piece down the road'. The hiking being denied I can understand. She had a piece of land in the Petit Jean Mountain Range in Ola, Arkansas. You could hear the mountain cats yowling all the time. Bears were pretty common, too.
I chose this forum to write down thoughts, dreams, and recognitions. Sometimes the theme is along what is happening with my family. It also makes it easier to keep my family and friends informed of what I am doing in my life without inundating them with huge emails and picture files.
I miss my grandparents. I really do. My other grandparents were Mary and Arthur. They lived on a farm in Dardanelle, Arkansas. It was HUGE. Lots of places to roam. My parents would take us back to visit every summer and for many of our holidays. There were a lot of times that I just hated going to Arkansas. I look at it now and realize that I gained a lot of core values from ALL my family members. No matter if it was wrong or right. I was able to determine what was good for me.
The pig in Chinese astrology is noted for being very caring."This Sign believes in the best qualities of mankind and certainly doesn't consider itself to be superior. Pigs also care a great deal about friends and family and work hard to keep everyone in their life happy. Helping others is a true pleasure for the Pig, who feels best when everyone else is smiling."
Yep..that's me.
I am learning that I want to be happy instead of making everyone else happy because I cannot MAKE others happy with themselves.
There is a lot to the Chinese astrology that is interesting in its exactness in describing the nature of humans...we are all animals at heart! LOL
There are many different elements that describe a personality, too. There are elements such as water, earth, fire, and wood that help you determine more depth of the signs. The year of birth is always important.
The pig is considered good fortune and prosperity in some of the Asian cultures.
So for me...When Pigs Fly... means I have taken wings to find that I am happy with me. Things in my life are changing and growing. I have wonderful friends and family that help me on the way of this adventure and discovery called "Circe's Life".
I really am happy and am enjoying the moments as best I can.
I am looking forward to the coming year.
Lots of things are changing fast.
I hope you find your wings, too.
Love to all....
"Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than
suffering itself."
From the book "The Alchemist"
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