Tuesday, February 15, 2005

It's later than I think

Midnight isn't the real thought on this.
It is a metaphoric relationship to finding where my time has flown with my children.
They will be 22 and 23 this week.
I can still see them, feel them, and smell them as newborns. How tiny they seemed.
I don't feel old...and I suppose I don't act old either. Maybe I should act old...would that make the time slow down any?
I know it wouldn't.
I am still very surprised at the children and the directions they have chosen to grow into. Each is so different from the other and they hold great affection (and frustration, too) for each other.
What did I do that was right?
I know I love them unconditionally. I respect that they are making life choices and I feel good when they ASK for my advice!
They are both so intelligent and independent. Okay....stubborn like their mom. Actually from me and their dad, Stephen, this trait was learned. Gives them the ability to stand up for their beliefs.

Beautiful babies, beautiful children, beautiful adults.


I can do some things right.


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