Sunday, July 23, 2006

plop plop ...fizz fizz...

it is amazing at the pure joy you can see in a child's face by a simple act.

finding a pair of pants that FIT a young pregnant woman.

amanda fits perfectly into a size 2 maternity pant that we found in target. That's right... A SIZE 2. i never before realized how marketing is conditioned to take your regular size (pre-pregnant) and make them almost 2 sizes more but labeled at the same size (pregnant for SURE) in clothing. not all pregnant women grow in the butt and hip.
the pants fit wonderfully though
:) a bonus :)

i need to post some pictures of amanda. i am amazed at the appearance of her small stature seemingly swallowed up by a beginning life. she is beautiful.

amanda posts enough about her emotional drive right now...i do understand it. i remember. friday though, amanda and i are going to see grannie jaye. my momma. i am looking forward to it immensely.
i get to chat at jason occasionally. he is settling in and doing well. hopefully he will blog again soon. i haven't seen jordan or chandra in a while. maybe time to call the kids all together and have a discussion!

time to plan some things. time to laugh.


Anonymous said...

Don't worry, I'm still kickin'. We'll set somthing up for this week :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Mama!

Just wanted to drop by to say hi & tell you we miss you mucho!

Love from Washington!