It feels good to be active again. I had an appointment with the pulmonary specialist on Friday. I am back to 85% now on breathing!
This is tremendous considering how it has been.
I am totally thrilled!
I have done a little climbing...and some bike riding of late. Marty has a route called "Seven Bridges" (love CSN&Y) and it is 9.4 miles (today) with variance of distance available. It is a beautiful path. Lots of curves adn places to cross water (hence the name?) It takes an average of an hour. I haven't been able to ride that much so I sometimes have an issue with keeping up with Marty now.
(I used to waste his out on the trails!)
It is wonderful to ride in the cool mornings. To feel the breeze dry my body as I fly down the path. The smells of the grass and trees is so refreshing considering we live with so much concrete and fumes. I didn't have much of a hard time at all today. I look forward to it getting easier and then increasing the intensity and length of the work out. By next summer I plan on not having issues with my breathiing.
Marty and I are geting rid of some stuff in the house. Dejunking. I get to find out when our other roommate moves in soon.
It has been interesting at work of late. I don't feel the amount of pressures I had felt before. I have been talking with the psychologist and psychatrist and i do agree that for now stability is best. So I am not planning on seeking another job for a while. I have a lot to learn here.
A lot.
I am pleased though with how much I have accumulated in knowledge and demonstrated in apptitude since December 2006.
I massaged Amanda on Wednesday night. I got a very solid thump from my grandson.
Thrilled me totally and then I started to tear up a little.
Remembering when I felt her inside my belly kicking. Wishing all could feel the amazing motions that were not mine but belonged within me.
I remember feeling Jason in the same way...but he moved differently than Amanda did.
Odd little memory.
I miss my boyfriend Dan. I had a fantastic time when we were together. There are things that people need to grow through however.
It is okay and we talk as friends. Life has to be settled within before you truly can live and love life outside. I have several friends that I have been visiting with of late. I want to get to school. This is important to me. I love the stimulation and the increase of knowledge isn't bad at all. I don't have to go for grades either.
I really am feeling like I am balanced again in the head. I love being outside and am pleased that I can go around and about again.
Next week I want to take my bike to work with me. That way I can stop on the trails on the way home. Then when Marty gets home maybe I can ride with him too. I want to be in good enough condition by next summer that riding my bike to work is easy. I think it is a great way to save on truck expenses and gas too.
I need a shower!
I also have a few PC repairs to do today :)
Geek girl :)
Love to all!
finally updated! zomg gratss mom-lady-person-i-love. Your still not as big of a geek as I am..
Yay! I'm glad you're doing so much better! It sounds like things are really starting to come together again.
BTW-I love the name of your bike.
Check out our Saturday adventure.
It was right up your alley!
Been reading through the blog. Wish I'd found/asked about/discovered/read it sooner. Its good to know things are going a bit better in your life. When time permits and if interest is there we must get together and talk sometime.
S33KER : who are you?
So glad you are doing better. It's amazing how we don't appreciate the small things in life until they are gone.
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