Monday, April 03, 2006

Take #5

Damn it was a weird emotional day for me. Frustration at not being able to get to ANYTHING I needed to do for work today completed. I honestly hate telephones. The sound of the ring is an interruption to concise thinking. I am trying to learn more about my job and get deeper into the problems I am faced with. It is scary to judge myself as not having enough wits about me that I end up losing my job. I have to be VERY careful of my attitudes of late.
I find I WANT MORE in my life. I don't want to work so much that I miss the relaxed family and friends visitation times. I ride alone so often I have forgotten what it is to ride with people that have never really understood my mental ramblings..
....from the beginning and well beyond.
I will be dropping back on doing the massages for my clients. For a while at least.
I need to really pay attention to my health instead of working out so many other people's stresses.
I miss riding my bike, climbing, camping, seeing my family...
and visiting some of them that I will never get to see again in my physical space. Sometimes I feel very confused on the swings my thoughts take on emotionally missing people. I try to be detached for the most part. But there are things I cannot distance my heart from. Watching my children. Confusion and fear at times for them....but they always find that events work for the better if what you put into the effort becomes larger than your desire.
Lots of rambling thoughts.
Lots of rambling feelings, too.
Or is it "Live and Un-cut" ?????

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