Saturday, November 06, 2004

As in silence the thoughts rain in

Out WAY to late last night.... but I would not have missed it for the world. Today? I am being lazy. I have a semi clean home and I am not worried about that. Not today. My truck is in the shop and I am not worried about that either. I am thinking in silence.


I wonder how the silence is in my brain? The thoughts have emotions, sounds, and winds that make them swirl and dance along.
One of those rare times when I have NO sound going on around me.
The roomies are off doing their Ms. Kali Cat is sleeping and so is Mr Buddly Lee Cat. I noticed that their fur is very 'plump' right now. Cold winter coming in. So soft and loving these two animals are. Kali still gets scared but is MUCH more social. Thank goodness...there are a lot of people in and out of this home.

My home is named Sanctuary. Rather fitting, isn't it?

My Children are well and happy taking care of their lives. My bestest friend is counting down his days to coming home from Korea to Texas ...and I miss him.
Tomorrow I am riding in a road rally. Totally unprepared but with the expectaion of being amoung the light and laughter of the day.
I have a new friend that I am enjoying tremendously. He is a great conversationalist and very cozy to be around.
HE is a little shy so I guess he gets bombarded with my antics quite a bit.
My sisters are doing well... my parents, my cousins, my friends...all seem to be going about in perfect harmony of their lives.
A blessed day this is.

At times I am amazed at how the patterns flow in life. Some say it is 'chance'. I think not. I know that what we believe as truth is created by the thought of the curious mind in the beginning stages of recognition.

I think therefore I am.

THAT is truth.

My Roomie Bob showed me an article in the newspaper he found interesting.
It was about how Buddhist Monks were noted to have a different brain structure than other novices in the art of meditation.
When the influence of a COMPASSION meditation was recorded, the long practicing monks had a high (off the scale) reading of gamma waves...the functionality of the total brain was utilized. The novice monks brain waves were raised but still some warblings on the scales. The actual article is in the Wall Street Journal. Dated FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 2004. Section B1. The section for "Health & Technology <> Media & Marketing". The SCIENCE JOURNAL by Sharon Beagley (you can write to her here: ) whos article is titled

VERY worth the read.... and I enjoyed it... goes to verify what I think.
That all limitations of self can be superceeded by thought in a loving and compassionate way.

Share the wealth that is there my friends.
I don't like to always be in everybody's business (as Marty would say) but sometimes you are because you care so much. Sometimes it is best being an observer. The 'questions' get asked and I can then give an unbiased observation. You know that mental working I have done all these years is useful.

I have been told that I have many people that love me and enjoy being around me (from other observers I might add) and I do believe that.
I can feel it.
I know it as truth because I send the SAME thoughts out there to those people around me.

I have friends that are distant from me but I can close my eyes and think of them and send a heart-hug. Shortly afterwards... an email, a phone call, or a text message comes across the air 'waves' right back to me with the contacted ones stating "you were just in my thoughts and I wanted to say hello!".
I get the same things sent to me.
It is wonderful to realize that the MOST important thing I can do for balance in my life is to take times of silence just for me. To heal myself. To find myself. To BE myself.
I am a rather busy person (my family will tell you of this) and I do not get to see everyone I love every moment of the day.
I love you all and there is SO many of you that my life is overflowing!

I would not wish it to be any other way at all. PLEASE understand this of me.

I do like my silent moments in the day. I can withdraw but I do it in silence.

My parents used to always ask..."Where is your head at, Circe?"
It may have been 'gone' cause I messed up in not doing what was expected of me. It may have been that I was reading to escape my family for a have an adventure that was totally mental. It may have been one of those moments that I took to see the bigger picture of the interaction of my choices with my physical world.
There were so many of those moments.
"Where is my head at?"
It is here....thinking...flowing...refreshed in the joy of thought. I can travel ANYWHERE and EVERYWHERE all at small blips of time.
To see how my friends are see my children's sleeping the memories of my childhood adn events that I remember.
Of seeing my daddy walking down the dark steps of our home when I was almost 3. To pick me up because I fell down them my long nightgown with me looking up at him. To see his little frustration lines around and in his eyes cause he's tired and I managed to crawl out (again) of my crib. But he picks me up and 'coo-ingly' says 'It's alright, Circe...Time for you to STAY in bed." and snuggles me as I am placed into my bed...again.
Remembering the sound of my momma singing and laughing almost all of my life. Odd moments of utter joy in her heart bursting out in song.
My sisters and I playing ( not always well together ) and odd moments of fierce protectiveness when 1 of us was picked on or injured or whatever was occuring.

I hold some deep memories and thoughts that I go through and remember of my beginnings of awareness.

I then start remembering all the patience and love I received that got me here

All the reading and the late, late, late night studies that no one was privvy to. The searching I did for understanding of my processes. The pains in thought that I could not drown out.

Today holds so much more for me.
The laughter, the fun, the LOVE is constant....The LIVING is always in flow.

Patience is a virtue...see what it has developed in me?


Love, Laughter, and Light to all
and KNOW that you are in my heart.


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