Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Careful what you write...it has an effect

How many times have you heard "be careful what you say because it may come back to haunt you" ?

Dang that happened just a few minutes ago.
Kinda ticks me off at myself cause I let it slip outta my mouth.

How many times do I need to tell myself " Ohmmmmm...think peaceful thoughts....OOOhhhmmmmm no stresss"
and then I get SUCKED back into the games of corporate structure of endless circle jerks.

Oh well...I am still human and I do get emotionally charged at times.

No comments from the peanut gallery, please.
Just realizing (again) that practicing a peaceful, flowing attitude is a continual awareness of where I am at mentally. I cannot control how my job is defined for me to do....but I hate screwing up something simple only because I am multitasking myself into a corner.
I REALLY wish the company would hire more people. In the long run I think this would be benefical not only to the company, but to the economics of our country

...and it will alleviate some of the dang stress that is building lke a volcano here.

This is just a short note to outpour a little bit of 'just small stuff' that feels HUGE at the moment.
I'll get over it...I always do.

What's next?

Coffee anyone?
Dancing with the devil in the pale moonlight?

Could be both!

Thanks for reading and being there my friends...

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