Sunday, February 20, 2005

Dancing motions

OH it was FUN!
Chris and Zak had a gathering of friends to celebrate Amanda's birthday.
GREAT job you guys on the organization and the location!
Al-Amir was a blast. Very traditional Lebanese food and dancers.
The dancing included the customers in the place getting on the dance floor and doing the line. If you want to learn more on the different styles just click on the words for a dictionary of terms and descriptions. Yes ...there are male belly dancers, too.
It was a blast to see all these people I have met through Amanda and Jordan. Some of them I hold great affection for! They all feel like my kids!
I did a bad MOMMY thing and invited a few friends of mine to attend.
Word to the wise parents. When it is a party thrown by your child's friends...ASK PERMISSION!
I sometimes for get that they have a life of their own and that I need to respect the boundry of their events.
Sorry kiddo's.
My son Jason was there also....unfortunatly the strobe lights bothered him and he needed to leave early.
So in my defense...I am glad I invited a couple of I could stay longer and dance some more!
After the Bella and her husband ...aka Jordan ;) ...left the scene...Christopher, Jens and Hilde, and myself, were still into partying. Amazing that we could out last the kids (Remember these 'kids' are from 22 to 37 year olds). So we drove to Absinthe Lounge
which is a place that I am inlaying mosaic tables at and I do enjoy the Live Jazz music on Thursdays.

I Really had a blast and we closed Absinthe down just talking and listening to the DJ that was spinning that night.

Today...I am going to Amanda's with Jason...for brunch.
I love having time with my kids.
Awesome people.

It is SO beautiful today that I think I can convince Jordan to do the honors of "Firing up the Barbie" and enjoying Amanda's front porch!

Maybe we will take the time to go fly kites.....


Thursday, February 17, 2005

In the flow

Now that has a different meaning at this time in my life. Letting go. The flow of another river that makes it's way to join other lands.
I have had years of having my children celebrate their birthdays with me. It is poignant. I can remember the days they each were born so clearly. Then I am looking at this adult that stands before me talking...reasoning...deciding.
There isn't dependence like an infant. There isn't a searching need for knowledge and love.

They know.

There is nothing more for me to teach them.
There is only pride in watching them make their decisions. Recognition that I did the very best I could.
Watching them as their turn at life unfolds.
It has been a treat having Jason here this week.
I snuck in and watched him sleep for a little while one night.
I remember how sweet he was in his sleep at 3. Now there is this man that is my baby laying there...snoring...breathing...and dreaming of his life. Cuddled up in the blankets.
My daughter hasn't spent the night since just before her wedding.
I watched her sleep too.
Her small sighs and then her turning her face to her hand.
Her brow that wrinkles as she figures out where her dream is leading her.

My children have been gifts of wonder, joy, sadness, frustration...and loads of laughter.

I never thought I was good enough.
This I did just fine.

I am looking forward to eating and playing with my kids on Sunday.

That is the best gift.


Tuesday, February 15, 2005

It's later than I think

Midnight isn't the real thought on this.
It is a metaphoric relationship to finding where my time has flown with my children.
They will be 22 and 23 this week.
I can still see them, feel them, and smell them as newborns. How tiny they seemed.
I don't feel old...and I suppose I don't act old either. Maybe I should act old...would that make the time slow down any?
I know it wouldn't.
I am still very surprised at the children and the directions they have chosen to grow into. Each is so different from the other and they hold great affection (and frustration, too) for each other.
What did I do that was right?
I know I love them unconditionally. I respect that they are making life choices and I feel good when they ASK for my advice!
They are both so intelligent and independent. Okay....stubborn like their mom. Actually from me and their dad, Stephen, this trait was learned. Gives them the ability to stand up for their beliefs.

Beautiful babies, beautiful children, beautiful adults.


I can do some things right.


Sunday, February 13, 2005

thank goodness I DIDN'T take the flu shot!

I am finally feeling better.
I am so glad that I didn't take the flu shot....mostly because the flu variety I managed to incubate in my wonderful system is of a variety that there is no vacine for.
Bactieral Influenza that developes sever bronchitis...can go into pnuemonia.
It sucked.
A fever of 102 was uncomfortable...aches and pains in all the joints ...especially in my neck... ringing in the ears...sore throat...and a whopping crane like cough that hurt everytime it audibly surfaced.
What really sucked about it was that I had taken a couple of days vacation and ended up missing the rest of the week of work.


I am finally feeling alive. I couldn't even run this weekend. Hard to draw a breath and I sound like Lauren Bacall.

Good thing is that I passed the stage of pneumonia.

Thanks to all that kept me in their thoughts!


Wednesday, February 02, 2005

About time, don't ya think?

I have had enough.
The shoulder is pissing me OFF!
I feel restricted in what I can do for playtime (I.E. climbing and riding)
and it is hard to sleep.
I will be going back to talk to the orthopedic soon. Will be begging for a release. You see...I am supposed to go to Korea in April 9last week) and into the first week of May.

My Children are about to be 22 and 23. Wow...where did the time go?
I want ot do yoga too for more flexibility and balance.
I went with a friend to a yoga class for about 30 minutes. It was WONDERFUl feeling. I am looking forward to going again.
Maybe I can get my daughter to join in, too.

I don't have a lot to write tonight....but I opted to stay home tonight. Saw my Son for a brief moment in time and then came home. It is nice and cozy here. THe cats are purring and my tummy is happy.
I am going to go to bed....EARLY....which I never do.

Kisses and hugs to all.
