Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas!

Santa is an interesting concept for giving. It matters not if you know the person receiving or giving.

It is the feeling that is the most wonderful. Seeing the smiles...watching the amazement in the eyes or the recognition that you were thought of.

Not silent in my thoughts but careful in actions and placement of the desires.

I had Christmasw gifting with my roommates and my children on Christmas Eve. It was DELIGHTFUL!
Marty had cooked dinner. then Jason (my son) arrives and joins us for a delicious dinner! Next arrival is Tracy ( new roommate ). Then Amanda and Jordan (daughter and son-in-law) arrive!
It was nice to sit, talk, joke, and relive earlier events of the Vogel craziness.

The kids really seemed pleased with the gifts. THAT was fun because I always try so hard to match their wants and desires with what I remember being wistfully whispered about years ago. :)

I enjoyed making them too!

Now I am at Antje and Mikes for Christmas. They are very special in my life...just like Marty is. True friends of great understanding and patience.

Merry Christmas to ALL!


Saturday, December 24, 2005

My daughter asks "what's going on?"

Do not worry child. Just feeling a bit out of synch with the holiday spirit of late.

I was pleased to make some of the gifts I gave this year.
I wish I had spent more time to make them all.

Working Christmas Eve & Christmas Day because I need the money. Being unemployed / employed and underpaid did not help my financial situation at all.

I finally have my house on the market to sell it. is really a condo.

I like my new job very much...but typical me...I want to be doing MORE in terms of working. Investigation and resolution to issues.
The company is going through transitions from a merger...and the employees all seem to be really nice and helpful. I like the feeling here.

I decided with a gift card I received to buy a couple of pets.
Don't worry...I do not think I am allergic to Betta Fish.
I named them (both male fish) Alpha and Omega. :)
Alpha is a red and blue Betta.
Omega is a pink and purple Pastel Betta.
They are so calming to watch and the differences in personality are notable! The fins are so long and graceful. The way they breathe and move is hypnotic to me. Curious how they will 'flare' at reflections or when they get to see each other. Yes...they are in a divided tank that is about 2 quarts size. There is a colored dividing screen I can remove so they can see each other through the clear dividing screen.
They will be easy transport to my daughter for babysitting if needed ;)

SO on the house bit....
I think I will look for a rental place a little closer to work.
The toll road and gas cost are getting TOO expensive.
I love my home...but it is inconvenient. It is away from what I do and away from work.
I will let you know where I land.

I really am Okay, Amanda...just a little disengaged at the moment.

I have never enjoyed seeing my friends become angry with me. I try so hard to be the 'peacemaker' and negotiations officer when it isn't my place to be such.

Sometimes you just have to call a card as it is played.

I am NOT going to work on the next holiday though :)
No plans to do anything but stay at home perhaps.

No driving amongthe crowds.

Life is trying to quiet me down a bit.


Wednesday, December 21, 2005

When you piss off the ones you love....

I feel like total UGH. Physically and mentally.
I asked in a nice way ...and then trying to make it clear...I made a statement sound rude and horribly straightforward.
Unfortunately it made the person I was talking to feel angry with me.

I am not sure I understand. Unless they are starting to have deeper feelings.
In that may be time to say good-bye to my friend.
We will see what God drops around me.

I have found that everything seems to be okay when I state something that before was teased about. Now, what I say, ends up touching a nerve.

I don't feel well. No excuse. I am tired of having bronchitis, pneumonia (easy ..the lite version) headaches that don't quit for days.
Stress I think.

At this time... Life kinda feels distant and separate.

I wish I could go home....but it is always with me no matter where I am.

This year I do not like Christmas. It feels wrong.
All I seem to do is cry of late.

It will get always does.
Just have patience and see the changes unfold. That is what I hear in my head.

To my friend....I do not know if you will read this.
I am deeply apologetic. I wish I could change what I said if it would make you not angry with me.
I guess it just goes to show....

No matter how honest you try to be...someone gets hurt no matter what.

I adore you as my friend. You are unique.
I think I will be very quiet for a week or so.


Saturday, December 17, 2005

When TIME Flies...

Gosh time is moving on!
I do tend to work a lot of hours.
Now I have decided to sell my home....and look for a new place...
keep learning at the new job...try to visit my family...
Haven't been rock climbing or biking or running due to illness.
Can't go to the gym either because of said illnesses.

I didn't miss any work!
I look forward to the holidays being over with.

I really am not buying gifts. Can't afford it yet. :)
It is nice being hired again. The group I work with seem to like me and ask me if I like it too.
They are a group of fun people. Serious when needed for the job...and I like to make them laugh!

on the otherhand.
there are concerns for me.
I wonder what is going on with all of my kids.
I know life is busy...and I don't want to interfere with what they are doing and experiencing.

I talk to my mom on the way to work of late.
My Dad and Stepmom I talk to once a week.
my sisters....Annie occasionally (phone tags mostly) and Jacque has learned to send me text messages on my phone!

that is the best way to get me at work is by text messages.
If you need that information, pop me an email and I will send you the address!

The new job doesn't allow for Internet due to the nature of the job. No IM, no personal email during hours, and try NOT to do anything personal at work at all!

I like the job though!

I am feeling much better now.
Hope all of you are well!


Thursday, December 08, 2005

New job going okay!

I have a lot to learn about a new field of terminology. very different but it is interesting to say the least. Started opening tickets adn taking calls teh second day. Fast learner at least. The terminology and procedures once learned wil be good. Never dealt in la enforcement areas before...except when I worked for Tandy Center in the security NOC.

Yes, my dear children, I know I am loved.

Already started working usual.
It will be entertaining to say the least. This week and next week are training.
Next week the rest of the new hires come on-board. HOPEFULLY I will be able to have my own computer tomorrow so I can log in as me and not Joe (LOL). He is the man I work the most with.
My sense of humor is already appreciated there too!
There is one man there that is from Ireland. I was talking to him and doing my mimicing of his accent when he asked me what part of the Island I was from!
That was a high compliment.

I like it so far.
Can't wait to really get a foot hold on what all I am to do. Soon...working the tickets will be fun! (already have started to do a couple of them!)

Always interesting finding my value.


Monday, December 05, 2005

I can't sleep

The Awe has a song I like
It is called Miserable Defections of.....

I don't understand why it draws me so.

Cafe Del Mar has a chillout album with Ambiant in G....totally moving.
Need the music to drive my mind.
Need to feel where I am.
All the questions of AM I REALLY HERE are popping up again.
I look into the past and see where I once was...scared, cold, nervous, lonely, in mental pain.

I defected.

I divorced.

I cried.

I can sit inside my home and be at peace. I can drive along the road and feel the changes in my life that are coming.

I am a little lost tonight.

My dreaming has been so very intense and real.
Where are we? Where are you?
Where am I?
Here? Or is it soon to be?

Wonder what I will feel as I drive in the morning......

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Christmas is coming

Guess what folks.
I am NOT buying gifts this year.

I will enjoy making little trinkets and things.
I will put myself into the items I give.
I have a few ready as we speak.

Enjoy the season and try to not get overwhelmed.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Happy Birthday, Momma

Today is my mom's birthday. I went with my baby sister yesterday to visit with her. I remember so much about my childhood and the things that happened. Her interactions with each of us girls (3) was different.
We were raised as individuals. A wonderful gift. Momma is 66 today. Still young but I sometimes find that she is old in mind and old in frustrations.
Remember me?
You taught me to laugh, play, dance, and create. There were times of cuddles, safety, and joy. Always being told to look for the positive in ANYTHING in life. It has worked for me, Momma. Can it still work for you? I think you have forgotten a few simple thoughts...
first: be happy and look at the positives
second: to laugh out loud
third: to smile more often
fourth: the first thought of the day can be the deciding factor for the rest of the day.

Momma, I love you. You taught me well so that I was able to teach my children. Your birthday is a me. I am so happy to visit with you and just be the "Circe-child" at times. So what if I use 'that voice' that Jacque doesn't reminds me of being underfoot in the kitchen with you throughout my life. Baking bread and waiting for the first loaf heels drenched in butter! Making ice cream or dinner together. Stirring things, running and getting things that you needed from the cabinets for my baby sisters. Climbing on everything, getting hurt, being kissed and hugged until I felt safe again.

I love you Momma.
Always will.

Circe Rexene

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Flying kites

One reason I fly kites.....

Allowing my sight to reach far above me.
That is my mental sight. Sometimes I get stuck in the 'here and now' and forget to reach to the future thoughts.
Flying means I have to work with unseen factors and trust myself to 'know' what to do.

Speaking of 'knowing' ...

I got a job that I start on Monday. At least I go to the orientation. Unfortunately I am on pain meds for the blooming (literally) Poison Ivy Infection and other nefarious things on my arms. You should see me trying to type or sleep :)

I think this is gonna be good for me. There was a job I really wanted here in Dallas...but they have not made an offer yet. So..another comapny did (by DFW airport). That is where I will be!

Once I have more details I will let you know!

There are 2 others that may come up with an offer... we shall see
what draws my attention the most
at the moment I am pleased to have work again.
I am tired of organizing my home all the time

Yesterday... I TOTALLY cleaned up the fridge!
It was a chore indeed. I also made Turkey Soup, Spicy Meat Flautas, Chicken Mole Flautas, Bean and Spicy meat burritos, and Bean with Chicken Mole burritos. It was nice to share some of it with a set of friends. They have JUST moved into a new place and Jackie is pregnant with her and Dan's FIRST child!

I am looking forward to teaching her to sew for the baby :)

Life is really peaceful right now
Marty (my housemate) and I had a blast going dancing last night.
I enjoy talking with my children also!
I miss some friends of late....but that is to be expected with the holidays and travels.

Okay...time to be off the cyberworld. Time to fly!!!


Tuesday, November 22, 2005

new/old vision

oh to have perfect vision!
I had eye surgery again today. The lasik was not up to my comfortability preferences so Dr Mazaheri did a little different surgery today.
so kinda hurts. but I am noticing a difference already! Trying to behave and not read much.
Short note, but wanted to update you all.

to see clearly my path....what a gift indeed.


Saturday, November 19, 2005

LOL...the dogs are OUT!

I received the FUNNIEST video of dogs today.
I tried to upload it...but blogger doesn't do the video's yet. :(

Other information ...I went and laid a ruunning trail for the DFWH3(known as the Hash) today. Laid it with a hare named "Beaver Breath". Some of the stories of how we get named are hysterical.
It was a wet and shiggy driven trail. We went through 6 water crossings and 2 were full out swimming.
Yes...I complain and call the Hare all kinds of names in the trail laying. I had a BLAST!!! I even got Serena and Rob to join in an the deal. They were really good sports.
Got a puncture wound in my arm though. It's okay though. WAR WOUNDS!!!

Doing good mentally today.

Laughing all the way.

Friday, November 18, 2005

When Pigs Fly....

Yesterday was a pity me day.
Frustration and anger was allowed...I stayed away from everyone because they didn't need it!

Today is MUCH better.


Hopefully I will have a job soon.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

Dance like no one is watching????

Sheez! I like to know people enjoy seeing my performance and hopefully they decide to join in!
I went to my daughters 1st belly dance performance. She has been working hard with her troop for 4 months.
It was a fantastic show! Great 'fusion work' and interesting costumes!
It's not all sequins like I remember.
I even performed. :) Thank God it was a 4 minute routine!
Very heavy in drums which I adore. I miss having a drum to play. I gave the Doumbec to my sister Jacque. It used to belong to my mother. My mom and I used to belly dance together. Very cool tradition to pass on...and the sounds stay in the heart and soul!

I even was recognized by a dancer that had lessoons from my mom!
Way awesome because I remembered her too!
I hope she will start dancing again. Nothing like it to keep you young :)
Well it is late and I worked a lot today on massages. Time for bed!

Sweet dreams and may you all hear the sound of drums to quicken your dance steps in life!


Saturday, November 12, 2005

There can be time for you and me.....

A discovery within myself. Patience is grand, but I have to make the time to accept myself outside of what I expect of myself.
Sound confusing?
Not really that but possibly self realizing and actualization.
So much of my time is spent on taking care of others.
I do fantastic massages. I do great at sewing and making things. I teach, I laugh, I uplift my friends when they feel down.

When do I allow them time to return the same?
Hard to catch me being still.
It seems that if I allow it or follow my heart instincts then I will hurt. That I do fear...hurting in my heart.

I want to change that.
I want to share more of my thoughts.

If you see me...then ask a question and LISTEN. Try not to interject because I will stop talking. Just the way I seem to react of late.

I want to be here. I want to find. I want to openly exist.
Sometimes it is perfectly alright to just ...


Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Seat Reservation

A friend sent this poem to me. It's a Danish poem,
translated for my (our) enjoyment. It holds a nice
peaceful thought for the day. Enjoy.

Seat Reservation

Space for feelings
Space for surprises
Space for secrets
Space for sorrow
Space for tender care
Space for help
Space for continuity
Space for dreams
Space for life

I wish to reserve a double seat

Jytte Bach
November 2005

Lisa! What a PERFECT reminder for my day! Thank you so very much.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Summer Fall

Holbrook Pictures

Crazy weather it is this year
Sounds of the Train going by
High and low the tones and temps
All moving quickly past
Reflection of my life in mind
Opening up my mind and heart
Words of music strum my ears
No tears
But laughter and thoughts
Time to wait
Winter Spring to come

Thursday, November 03, 2005

She looks a lot like me

I am amazed! This is my daughter Amanda. Her new haircut and color!
Fantastically outstanding!
You can see it in her eye....
fun, intelligent, daring, and spunky.

Monday, October 31, 2005

New Moon comes

I LOVE this time of year!
I like dressing in costume and no one thinks it is weird.

The strange thing about a new moon? Things start over.
Sometimes without the willingness to have it happen..and sometimes with.

On that note...
I am looking for a job again.
Contract ended at the last place of employment. I enjoyed what I did so perhaps I will do something similar.
Not sure....but looking.

New Moon Rises...we're all on the run....


Sunday, October 30, 2005


There is something totally unique about the experience of riding your own life.
It doesn't matter who is involved outside of yourself.
We all have experiences that we talk about and share, but the truth one else can truly feel it the way you do.
Mountain bike riding or Street bike riding has that feel for me. No one but me can see the experience or feel the trail as I do at the moment I am riding it. I am pushing myself to be better. Just like life...there are some surprises on the trails. You can bust forth and go through it or be timid and walk around.
You can do one thing on a trail that you cannot do in living...that is to go back and not go forward.
The same thing exsists in Rock Climbing. There is a dependancy on your partner to be watchful adn trustworthy with the rope....but all else is dependant on you. That is the only person that can get up on the wall and test their wits, ingenuity, and strength.
Camping is being in nature without the security of solid walls. THe trust that your knowledge will allow you to enjoy life naturally.

All of these statements have a point...of such.

I realized that in my life I can trust some people with the essence of thoughts, my hopes, my dreams, my fears.

It is only I that can truly compete against myself to become more.
They can be shared with like minded souls.

The season turn...and so do I.

Friday, October 28, 2005

rememberance of another home

To spend time with your best friend doing things that made him happy in memories. THAT is a wonderful celebration!
Tonight Marty and I went to a Korean B-B-Q place. BEST dang Korean food I have ever had!
What little I have had. It was very cool watching the reactions of the staff as Marty is speaking Korean to them. Selecting the food adn just chatting to them. I learned a few words about food tonight. It is really an amazing language. It appears mathematical!
After we ate we went to a Norabong. This is a Kareoke place. The rooms are private and it was a blast!
Disco Lights spinning...mikes in our hands...and some good songs we loved to sing being destroyed by our voices!
Actually we did pretty well.
I do NOT like to sing with reverb tho!
Some of my notes were ....a tad off!
Especially when I looked at Marty and his eyes are sqwinched shut...and laughing along with me.

It was a blast tonight.
One I won't soon forget...nor will he because it reminded him of a place he loves.


Thursday, October 27, 2005

One of my gifts

Happy Birthday to my Momma

Like an Amber Rose

She blooms in the command of the sun

Shining brightly

To all she happens upon.

Like an Amber Rose

My mother

Exotic and strange

Yet eternal all the same

No one can say

Just where she transpires

All we know is that she graces us all

That bloom that never expires

Created by Amanda Rainey 10/20/2005

the month is ALMOST gone....

but NOT forgotten!

It has been an amazing birthday this year.
I have received some of the most wonderful gifts from my friends. They involved Trust, Honesty, Music, and Love.

Some of the love was a tad hard on my butt ( thanks for the spankings, Bob! You need lessons from Ann Hammond!)
There were gifts of the softest skin (and in many colors!) and fibers.
There were gifts of Light.
There were gifts that came from the stars and Earth all tolled up into one.

There were words that warmed my heart.

There were so many that it is impossible to write the amount of gratitude I feel.

I hope you all can feel the deep appreciation I have for the thoughts, the words, and the love.
I have enough.

at least enough to last me until the next birthday month!

Love you ALL!

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Am I THAT old????

Now this is funny!
My sisters and I have birthdays that are REALLY close together.
I am the oldest and my birthday is Oct 20.
Annavee is the middle child and her birthday is
Oct 17.
Jacqueline is the baby and her birthday is
Oct 18.

See what I mean?
My sisters were my first year and second year birthday presents!
Now THAT is a gift that keeps on giving.
Thanks Momma and Daddy!

I made birthday cards for my sisters. I like to hand make gifts or give of myself. It means more to me to come from the heart and hands.
I made these cards by embossing. Took some time to do and I had so much fun decorating them with pastels and with watercolor pencils.
The most fun part was watching my sisters as they read them.
The funniest was that EACH of them asked me the same thing.
"Is THAT how old I am?"
I had placed their age on the front of each card.

It is strange to me that they do not remember their ages.
They have mostly gone by how old I am.
That's right!
I'm the leader of the pack! (imagine a motorcycle revving up here)

There are some things that we depend on our parents to remember. There are somethings that we depend on by what is written down.
Memories are made to always be shared. EACH is a perception of our own lives that when recited to others, or even to ourselves, becomes a legend.

I miss some of my memories that I haven't chosen to recall in a long time. Not until I run into someone from those past life times.
Then it is like a floodgate that opens and carries me along its rushing river. I bounce and float along and allow myself to be carried in thought.
All occurs very quickly.
Then I smile.
I can remember.
More than just your ages my dear sisters.
I remember the laughter...the hiding and seeking games.
I remember looking at you as babies. I remember thinking how much like my dolls you both were.
I have the age to be the oldest sister.
I have the knowledge that I will ALWAYS be your older sister.
Even if Annavee and I are 'twins' for 3 day. I am the oldest and I will always try to be here to pass on the memories that you girls may not remember.....just at an odd moment...and I will enjoy the memories that you have also!

Yes, my dearest sisters... you are that old!
Happy Birthday Annavee (45)
Happy Birthday Jacqueline (44)

I am going to be 46!

Woo Hoo! What a ride!

Laughing at the memories of rolling down our front yard hill....
all encased in cardboard boxes.

Remembering the fun of jumping out of our back yard tree that was REALLY tall....and landing on the bedsprings on the other side of the fence.
Now THAT was fun!

I taught my sisters how to climb the trees. Unfortunately, Momma didn't think it was fun at all seeing us falling!

I hope that for EACH of my sisters that they have a wonderful birthday full of being spoiled.
Spoiled by laughter, hugs, and love.

I think you girls would be surprised at how much you are in my thoughts. How much I treasure each of you.
I know I don't visit physically that often. But you are both in my heart. I love you BOTH so very much.
I can't imagine my life without you girls being in it.
You are both my anchors, also. When I get to being to much about the world...I go and visit you and feel home.

Happy Birthday coming up to all 3 of us!

Love you special.


Tuesday, October 11, 2005

What's in a name


My parents ....bless them....

I have an unusual name for sure.
Circe Rexene

get this:
Circe is from Greek Mythology....everyone knows that one (I tell them often enough anyway).

Rexene is.....

a microgranular iron chelate and is
developed for the correction and prevention of iron
deficiency in a wide range of agricultural and
horticultural crops, particularly in alkaline and
calcareous soils. Rexene gives best effect when
applied dissolved to the plants through the soil or
rooting media.

like OMG!

Redheaded too!
Rusty from the inside out!
Iron maiden here I AM!

I found it funny

never know where your roots come from
or in this case...
what your roots are fed by!


Friday, October 07, 2005

Time off

Oh how I LOVE October! SNAP in the air.
I am going camping this weekend.
with about 275 people :)
It is so nice and cool!
It will be in the Texas hill country.
I missed going to Burning Man and this is a regional Burn event called "Myschevia".
I am so jazzed about camping out!
Unfortunately with my work Schedule I will not be able to attend the Palo Duro Canyon Race this year. I love that place.

Well time to pack!

Talk to you all after I return!
Have a wonderful weekend!


Monday, October 03, 2005

Whoot! Whoot!

ANOTHER perfect day!
Amanda and Jordan have been married 1 year today!
3:20 pm to be exact :)

Next thing...I got to have lunch with the two celebs!

Next thing...
I got a call from a friend in Colorado Springs!
Get this...
Lisa is part of the Hash House Harriers in that area. Her hash name is "Strip Me".
She is 'lost' and trying to find the Hash start for the DIM (Damn It's Monday) hash.

Guess who she calls?
Me...hash name "Slinky"

I give her the directions. This is NO way for a hasher to find a trail run!

I call up the hares and leave a message...but during the message...Bloody Z calls me back.
I tell Bloody Z that a lost hasher from Colorado Springs, CO called Dallas,TX to get trail directions...and she SHOULD be given a Down-Down for the 'lost' senerio!
I also think she needs to do a proxy Down-Down for the harriette that gave her the directions!

Ohhhh...sometimes it is good to be a prankster...but in the same step

Sad to be known for being at a computer!

Laughing at myself again!

Hey Strip Me...
Have a beer for me, will ya?

And to all those hashers in the Pike's Peak area....


Sunday, October 02, 2005

it's THE day again....

22 years ago today, Jack Adney and Mary Lou Adney
joined their lives together in marriage.
There have been many lessons along the way.
There have been many joys added, also.

I hope that this anniversary finds you both
Happy in heart
Wealthy in spirit
Loving each other to the depths of your hearts.

I wish you both total JOY and lots of laughter.


Love you!



Circe, thank you so much for remembering. That was really sweet of you and we appreciate your kind wishes. However, you need to remember how old your daughter was when we got married. You're 1 year off - it's our 23rd! Ha
Whoops, I accidently sent this before I was finished writing that sentence, so I had to finish and send again. Ha

Hehehe...never mess with the owner of a Blog Mary Lou!
It will ace you EVERY time!

Love to you and Daddy. Hope it was a wonderful day!


Saturday, October 01, 2005


October First....birthday month in deed.
I have several friends who are celebrating their years upon this Earth this month!
Mike, Regina, Mark, My sisters Annavee and Jacque, John, Marty's daughter Jessica, and...omg I think I have forgotten a couple!

My birthday is this month also!

Then there are other celebrations:
My Daddy and my Stepmom's 22nd Anniversary
My daughter Amanda and her husband Jordan's FIRST Anniversary
I hope I haven't forgotten other Anniversary celebrations.

All Hallow's Eve...WHEE!

Fall arriving for real and soon the coolness and the snap of the different colors of the world.
It is a time for festivities, gatherings and laughter.

We all know how I like to dress up in costumes or in finery.
Can't help it...
It's fun and it isn't something that most people allow themselves to do since they were children!

I loved dressing in costumes. Especially when I was a bellydancer.
There was grace to the movements and songs were played for my enjoyment.

I just wanted to remember that there is laughter at any memory I have and at any given moment!

Enjoy the October month....celebrate and be creative!


Friday, September 30, 2005


Waking up all snuggled under a down comforter....with the sound of the door opening and closing.
OOO this feels SO good.
The crispness of the air tickles my nose and it feels GOOD!
I love the fall weather...and the spring!

Marty was so sweet NOT to wake me this morning with a cup of coffee! I had to remind him though that I am OFF on Friday!
LAst night was fun watching TV on the couch...trying to fend off Marty's TICKLE ATTACKS.
He is so much a boy at times...and he being my bestest friend I get to see all the sides that most people don't know about. Same for him with me.
He truly knows me like no other friends does.

I may be getting another roommate today.
I'll keep ya'll posted if it occurs!

Lots to write about today...
But the main thought was how beautiful today was!
I woke up with a smile and feeling comfortably warm.

It does go on forever...

Talk in a bit...getting my hair done today!

I may have to see if I can do purple....

that is reserved for my daughter!

Friday, September 23, 2005

ZING!!!! Off the deep end! surPRISE this morning!
Marty wakes me up with a DELIC-ious hot cup of coffee served to me in bed 6:30 AM.
I am OFF on Friday, man!
It tasted fantastic though! Thanks!

Then I am getting things ready for my Kali-cat to go live with a new family.
Then a strange phone call...

"United American" is on the caller ID.
Weird....Jason knows my number on the cell...which is upstairs at the moment.
"Hi! This is Debbie, from your son's office.
Jason fell and hit his head and needs you to pick him up at work."


Okay...they know he is an epileptic.
I have NO clue where it is that he works.
Gimme an address...mapquest to the rescue.
I normally use google...but I am not totally panicked and I remembered mapquest.
I didn't speed.
I did call & talked to Jason on the phone.
He was able to answer questions which was good.

I finally found the location...loaded him up...and off we go.
I didn't speed.

CAT scan, x-rays, and talking to the doc. Tetanus shot...and out we go....5 hours later.

My family members are far away and going different directions.

My other Roommates that live in a new home are accepting Buddy Lee back with them.
I hope the Doctor is right that this will help me to breath after the house is clean.
I have NEVER been without a pet.
No....Marty doesn't count as a pet, Joe.

I miss Kali.
I miss Xanadu.
I miss Pahsha.
I miss Mattie.
I miss Asia.
I miss Mischief.
I miss Duffy.
I miss Shadows and Moonbeam, too.
I miss Whiskey.
I miss Taco and Tiki.
I even remember Socks, Lady, Fritz, and Blitzen.

No, Momma...I do not miss my snake Jaimel.
I even miss my hamsters...White Rose and Brandywine.
(whose names shortened to Rose and Brandy). I never did name the 12 little baby hamsters though.

It is a strange reality to think that I will have no pet dependent on me.

Have to think on this a bit.

All is well in my head and heart though.

I am SO glad my son Jason is okay.
It really did scare me today.
The knocker he has is as big as my palm and about an inch thick.
It seeped blood and scared me to death.

I didn't speed and I didn't panic.

I love you, Jason.
Very special.


Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Hobbie or Habit?

These are just a few pictures of what I also like to make and teach.
I teach on Wednesday nights at Absinthe Lounge. Come down and play with me on the table making? Mosaics can be wonderfully calming. =)

Monday, September 19, 2005

Oh to breathe again...

Ya know....sometimes the head doesn't think to clearly when there is NO OXYGEN getting to it.

Seems to be a routine of the past few years. Late summer...the air is still in Texas. Means the smog and soot in the city doesn't go away....and there is humidity but not rain...and I hate to dust because it sends me into fits of agony trying to breathe.

Now I need homes for my cats.

Buddy Lee will possibly go back to Bob & Sharon.
They are discussing it. He really needs human interaction. I don't think he knows he is a cat.

Kali is a bit different. She is scared of a lot of people moving about...and she is affectionate but quietly so.

Buddy will do anything for attention. Kali will appear out of nothingness to 'check in' and then disappear again.
He is black and she is a Lavender smoke color.

I love them both and don't really want to see them go.
I have to breathe though.

I actually went to the doctor.

*Message for Christopher: I didn't have to go to the hospital this time :) and I was aware enough to drive....I think ;)
Thanks for the rescue last year....was it last year?*

Jeez...ya know trying to ignore a health condition isn't very wise.
I have been trying to do thing improve my health. Guess I forgot the necessity of breath.
Won't forget again!

All is well my dears.
Just learning that there are limitations at times.

Hopefully....I can train the cats NOT to be in my face and I will survive?

Doubt it.
I know better.

Anyone want to learn to love a scaredy cat?
Kali is really a sweetheart.

A date with a special man in my life...

Saturday Night.....
Warm evening....and a breeze is blowing, thank goodness!

I have a date!
The special man is none other than my son, Jason Sterling.

He hates his middle name but it defines him to a 'T'.
He is taking me to the Texas Rangers Game at The Ameriquest Field (when did it change names?) in Arlington.
(I liked it better as the 'Ballpark')

I have gone to pick him up because he loaned his car to one of his roommates to go to the college that evening.
McKinney isn't that far really...and It gives me more time to chat with him!
My Baby Boy is 22. Tall and rather cute (no prejudism here).
I love talking with him. He is amazing in his opinion. He is pretty silent and gives short answers when feeling like someone is his mom does (whoEVER she is!).
When he has an it!
He is very direct and cuts no corners...Like his sister in that regard!
YOU should have tried raising 2 Aquarians in a home together. They kids are as different from each other as night and day. Both are as talented as each other...and strong in their beliefs.

Anyway...My date and I are going to the ballgame!
The last one we attended together was in 1999. The last game of the century at the Ball Park in Arlington.
This year we are attending and enjoying watching the game. Jason is very good at explaining the finer details of the game to me and the the stats.
He and I both use the program to read items about the players.

Want to know when the best time was?

Guess....come on....

When we were turning onto the road of the Ball Park...HE got all excited and clapped his hands and said "MOMMA! THE BALL PARK!"
All I could do was grin and giggle. He reminded me of when he was little...age 4 or 5. ALL into SEEING where he was going.
He was sitting forward in his seat in my truck...."don't you want to slide the seat back a bit to give you room for those long legs?" I asked.
"Nope!" he says with a shy smile....lopside with embarrassment. I have plenty of room...I just wanna BE there.

HoneyBoy.....I totally agree!

It was so much fun...he freaked a little when I reached for his I was going to hold it. I was reaching for his glasses to put them in my purse....He was laughing so hard by then!
The 'season club membership' parking area was just outside of 3rd base...and just across the street!
THAT is where we got to park!
Nice young man that let us do that :)

We got in and program book was purchased!
Then a couple of pretzels...a beer for me...and then a coke for Jason...and onto the seats.
2nd tier by the 1st base. Sun behind us and a great breeze in the shade!
During the game we talked ...he explained....we remembered together.
Late in the 8th inning, Jason bought us dinner. Best food I have ever eaten there. Jason and I had a lot of agreeing in the way that the game was played.

Nice to say that the Rangers WON against the Seattle Mariners.
We plan on trying to get season tickets to go to the Minor Leagues in Frisco.
Cheaper and close to home. Dates for us to share.

I remember making his ball games and soccer games when he was little. I missed only 1 because I fell asleep in my car after working all night.
The Tennis matches I watched some of too. He has a fantastic serve just like his Daddy does. This ManChild can really move quick and fast! Amazingly so. When he wasn't able to play baseball in the last year of high school...he was an assistant. I wish I had gone to those, games too.

I used to play softball in school. I like sports...when I am at the fields or playing in them.

I totally get my BoyChild on the enthusiasm.
My Momma is like that, too.

HoneyBoy....I loved the game!
Can't wait to watch you play next Monday night!

*sigh* life is good.


Thursday, September 08, 2005


Every night there is a different scene in my head.
Sometimes the movement is fast and barely remembered...then there are the ones that are so slow that I am exhausted in the morning.

Lately there have been many dreams of happiness.
Seeing my children as small ones and having them turn around in a blink of and eye to being adults and showing me the newborne babies they each have.
Seeing family that have gone on in their life and seeing them smile.
Seeing my Xanadu playing and waiting for me....she throws a ball at me and does the game "got your bone" growl.
I woke up with a smile after Xanadu played with me last night.

Strange times to become attached to memories.

I have been going to my son's softball games and am having a BLAST at it!
He is awesomely animated during play...and so concentrated when at bat. Just like when he was 8.
I helped my daughter move and have been served a most delicious dinner in her new home. The new place really fits her and Jordan. It is warm, cozy, earthy, and spacious.
My niece is doing well after her adventure and has been visiting me regularly!
The cats are doing well...Marty (my room mate) returned from Burning Man full of insight and calmness.
I miss my other room mates Bob and Sharon.
They are now 'married and own a home' while being stylishly coupled.
My other friends are returning from adventures and some are on the journey of their life.

I seem to be the one that is the center spoke for some reason. Even though I do a lot of travel to different homes....they all tell me of the adventures.
They leave and return.

I want to go somewhere.

Someplace I have never been to before.
(which leaves the world pretty open)

My mind travels...and my heart travels. I just wish I could be moving my body along with it.

I enjoy my new job. I like fixing things and figuring out problems.

I think the biggest thing I like to do is to sing and laugh.
I haven't had the time to fly my kites...or climb much...or ride much...or run much at all!
But I seem to be very busy laughing. That is very good. I am healthy and I am enjoying who has come into my life.
It seems strange at times.

I don't want to date anyone else...I don't want to do my normal running around.
I love to dance...but the laughter I share with Joe has been tremendous.
We don't run out of things to talk about.
One of these days I hope that all I know will meet him.

For now...He is enjoyment., comfort, and extremely patient with me.
Goodness knows he needs it! (if you know me that is ;) ...

I miss having the time to write. I like the exhaustion my mind has.
I do work 2 jobs currently so I haven't been very available.
I am happier than I have been in a LONG time.
The happiest moments are still reserved for my children.
Maybe, one of these days, there will be other Children to have happiness about...but that time is in the future.

I am thankful, and grateful, and well loved by my family and friends.
Even the cats love me at night....purring in my ears and snuggled up close.

Time is good and plentiful.

Kisses and hugs and gentle 'butt pattings' to all.

G'night. safely and in Light.


Monday, August 22, 2005

When Pigs Fly...

Do they EVER land?
I think so. Not always in muck and mire...but in interesting fields.
The new job is going okay!
I like it....but wish I sat more to the back area where I could hear more of the techs.
My ability to Ignore or 'tune out' conversations is serving me well for 1 co-worker (soon NOT to be).
I like having windows to look out of. I like the puzzle pieces to figure out.
I have on co-worker I enjoy talking to because he is a lot like me...just younger. He is also going through a divorce for the second I think him talking to me and what not makes him feel like I am 'comfortable and understanding'. Yep...been there and felt the same way.
He has a couple of young boys...and we talk about kids mostly ...and tech things from work.
I am also working a new shift...Sunday through Thursdays 8 am to 5 pm. I am going to miss the Sundays off.
That's all I have to report...OH
Jason is playing Softball for his job!
I missed the first game =(
I WON'T miss the second one though!

Hugs to all..

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Time to dream again

Bummed out a bit. I do not get to go to Burning Man this year. Was all set and ready. Can't take the time from my new job due to 'ramping up' so I can be working problems. I am in training and I welcome it! Nice new challenges...and I can see future growth being available, too!
I was so looking forward to the trip and going with friends on a new adventure. More like an extreme camping in the desert playa with Art being the backdrop of props...and seeing inside of myself and looking outside and analyzing my prejudices.
I am so looking forward to hearing from my friends about their adventures and experiences....Although to experience Burning man is a very personal thing.
I WILL be going next year though. I will have enough time to make my own art installation for it.
Oh my dear friends that are going...I wish for you to know that I may not be along for the trip physically....but my heart and my thoughts will reach out to you as you go and stay and return.

*sigh* To dream again....


Thursday, August 11, 2005

Kites have tails and string.....

and the remembering that I am attached on the ground means my mind and heart can sore!

I GOT A JOB!!!! Started on Tuesday August 9th. I like the prospect of using the talents that I have developed and hoping to further the intelligence and reasoning abilities. I can still hear Mr. Jeff telling me to 'think about the process instead of the hit and miss techniques". I will never forget the mentoring, Jeff Carmichael. You had faith in my mental mind and I grew into a great friendship with you that will always be treasured. The honesty and the truth made more sense than the hopeful daydreams. You helped me to believe I could when I didn't have enough faith to try. I adore searching out an issue with a system or an application. I used to sit in the software library pouring over apps trying to understand how the functionality actually flowed in the design.
It will help in my future. I know this.
There were others that believed in my mental abilities of reasoning...mostly with people...but there are a couple that had faith in my abilitites to work with VRU's and computers. I learn best while listening.
LOOK DADDY! I finally learned to shut my mouth and listen!


I really am excited about my job. I love where I am at in life. Not every thing is easy.....but I am EXCITED!
There is even a man I have been seeing that I am going really slow with...he is intelligent, funny, kind, and just a doll!
My son is doing well and asked me questions the other day in order to complete his application for financial assistance so he can attend college!
Amanda and Jordan are growing in thier marriage...and learning some hard lessons while they are at it.
I know that they will do fine. Amanda is a very determined young lady. I should know....I lived with her ;)
I am so proud of you both!
My niece is doing great and growing in her career! It seems so weird thinking of my 'kids' being adults now. I am really proud of Chandra and Joey, too! Weird as it is to some...they love each other. I can see it and feel it.
I know Joey has had some rough life issues...but he really loves Chandra and would do anything for her that she needed.

My roommates Bob and Sharon have married and bought a very adorable little 'cottage' style home near White Rock Lake.
SO very perfect for them!

I am happy.

My roommate Marty and I are really very best of friends. It is quiet and calm in the home. It feels a litle lost without Bob and Sharon...but it will settle in soon.

I am going to ask Bob if I can keep Buddy Lee. I do not think he will survive being an outdoor cat. He is way to people oriented...and besides...I would miss him sleeping with me and Kali (my Manx Cat) would miss him also. He is part of my family.
Marty even mentions he would miss Buddy Lee.


I really am happy and content...and even scared but not in a bad way.

Love you all!


Monday, August 01, 2005

Snoozy friend

No job yet. Still hoping.
I fill out at least 6 applications a day. Online makes it easier. I don't have to drive anywhere. Thanks to all of my friends and family for the support that is offered. Let's see...I have been Sewing for $, Cleaning for $, Babysitting friends homes and animals for $, some data entry for a friend for $, hostessing for $......and it isn't enough. The weird thing is that I am honest and report the income to TWC...which lowers the amount of unemployement benefits.

My very best friend just woke up from snoozing in his chair. HE naps easy. It is nice to hear someone just sleeping next to me....even at the computers...
Thank you all my dears...I am still searching.


Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Points of Light

Just having time to think and I am thinking way to much.
it is SO late and I am not wanting to sleep. Feeling this push to find a job.
I am positive the right one will be found. A lot of my friends have had great suggestions, some acquaintances have had good leads.... and the TX Work Commision can help out a little starting the 18th.
I am torn between attempting to go back to school or just take ANY job I can find. However....IF I take something that isn't going to help me meet or be above my bills...then I am back to square one.
I am even willing to relocate. I would miss al of my kids though...that includes all of their friends too.
It is amazing at the insight the young ones have. The intellect is huge with my friends and with the kiddo's I know. They have ALL become my children in a way. Some even call me 'mom' and it makes me smile like a goon. Tonight was nice. Went and met Antje, Mike, Kelly, Jay, Tony, Stephen and Steve along with Lynece and Justin at Lake Grapevine for hamburgers.
I had housemate Bob's oldest daughter with me. It was humid...but nice to see others. It is nice being able to see the stars, too. Not totally clear yet...but it is getting better.
Maybe that is what this is all about. The need or the ABILITY to see clearly has to be developed.
Hmmmm.....gonna think on that a bit.
New eyes are tired so I am saying good night.

Monday, July 11, 2005

still searching

WHEE this is SO much fun!
I am finding that patience is hard to deal with at times. I have put out several resumes and still not much responses.
It is still very early. We shall see.

Keep me in your thoughts and positive prayers?

Thanks to all!

Thursday, July 07, 2005

I am NOT good at sitting around...

There seems to be this determination...and see what is developing. After having my eyes repaired and then vision correction it is HARD to not be active.
However it is SO cool waking up and seeing my children's pictures on my wall that are across the room. This is something VERY different to me.
I love it!

There isn't very much to write at the moment. My mind is focused on other things.
Antje's birthday has come and did Kiwi's, and Kassy and Marty have a birthday this weekend. Then my Bro-in-Law Doug has one on the 12th. July is VERY busy. Guess a lot of hot weather late August caused a lot of women to be naked!
See there is my humor again.
I will stop and take pictures today of my mosaic art tables I have been working on. Then I will post them to the blog.
There is so much peace in making them. Fitting puzzle pieces together and in harmony. I have had some help on this last one. Tracy Rugley (my daughters friend and fast becoming my friend, too) has shown up every Wednesday for the last 5 weeks. It is so nice having someone working on them with me. She is such a sweetheart.

I am wondering what type of career I would like at this time.
Maybe I need to attend college again.
Maybe I will just go and become certified in massage so I can go ANYWHERE and work.

I am looking. It is an interesting market at the moment.

Time for me to get busy. My sisters are having surgery today. I will be over there for a few days taking care of them. Okay more than likely they will enjoy having me around and attentive to them!
It will be nice to visit and play cards with them. I am also responsible for taking care of the bunnies and the cat and dog. My sisters own a zoo each.

Time to get moving!
Hope all of you have a wonderful day.

Friday, July 01, 2005

Ah well....

Guess my wings were not strong enough.

I was released from my job today.

The search continues for a position in the corporate world.
I am doing okay. Some ego stings. Some uncomfortableness....but there is determination which is strongest at this point.

Never know what is around the corner and a better 'fit' for me.

To all my friends and not worry. Networking is helpful however. Heck...who knows...maybe Ikea with my friend Regina? Maybe construction with my friend Kassy? Maybe back to TI? Maybe even Intervoice. My niece tells me that her employer is hiring too.
On my way home I was already making calls and putting the word out. I know a lot of people.
On Tuesday...I will check out a few places with resume in hand. has my resume on line and active.

If worse comes to worse...I can always sell the home and see about moving near my Dad and try to locate something in Washington state. I've talked about it for maybe now is the time.
Too much to decide and I feel the wieght at the moment.
So waiting I will do until Tuesday.

Thanks for reading.


Thursday, June 30, 2005

A sight change and learning how to Fly...

Tomorrow I am doing something for me. Lasik. I have thought about it and planned for it for over 5 years. I try to reason it out to make it okay to spend the money for it. I managed to do that so I don't feel guilty.
It has never been that I could see the world clearly. I am looking forward to this opportunity. I also realize there are risks. is a risk also. Get my drift?

Learning that I have value was a trick and a half. Acting that same knowledge means that I need to speak up when things are not to MY understanding also.

Marty pointed that out tonight. He gets to be my med-travel buddy....
Sweetie bestest friend he is. Always there when I need help or a solid shoulder to lean on and talk to.
He knows me better than I sometimes think I know myself. Actually not...but he is unafraid to speak on it.
Thank GOD for that!

I am doing well for all those I know.
Just been really busy learning my job and following through with the commitments I have.
I work too much!
But I do need quiet times occasionally and that is when my friends find me the easiest. Believe it or home.
Sometimes I just don't want to answer the phone. Especially if I am working on my thoughts and my meditations.
Be patient and leave me a voicemail. I will call back. You can also choose to join me. I would welcome company at anytime.

It is late....time for bed so I can learn to enjoy my day tomorrow with a new view of how the world is.

Thanks, Marty....for always being my friend and being here.
Oh get to call my mom, dad, and my kids Amanda and Jason niece.... and then my sisters, while I am asleep.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Do Do Do looking out my back door

Again, it feels REALLY late and I am a bit tired. I went out and met a few friends at a club last night. It was so hot dancing that my dress stayed wet! Hard to do dancing in satin and and still look decent :)

It was a lot of fun though looking around and talking with the people I know. Sometimes I wished the DJ would turn down the volume and the speed of the music.
I think I like the sound of Jazz much better!

SSC was really tasty tonight! Kassy had chosen a theme of "fruit of the vine" so everything was really light and refreshing. I was a little bummed that one of the Cucumbers I used was bitter. I made a Cucumber salad that had : Cucumbers (hence the name), Thai Eggplant, Mediterranian Yellow Pepper, Red Onion, Red Okra, and little Cherry tomatoes. The seasonings was toasted Almonds with Herbs of Provence (use they were toasted in butter) and then 1 lime squeezed all over and then tossed.
It tasted great until the 'bitter cucumber' hit the palate. Oh well
Next time I will taste the veggies before adding them.
There was a fantastic Veggie 'Pizza' that used cream cheese for the sauce, Corn on the Cob, Lamb, Tomatos and Feta with Basil, fresh Grapes, Scallops with white wine (fruit of the ocean and fruit of the vine combo :) . There was also this apple dessert pizza that was AWESOME!!!! Then there was Mango with rice. MMMMmmmmmm
A light and very tasty meal. The attendees were Kassy (at her home) Mark Bellamy ( forever known as Kiwi), Lisa (from the Stoneworks Gym), Antje, Mike, and Andy from Atlanta (mango-ish), Circe, Bob, and Sharon.
Small group but very nice to sit and chat with. Kassy got a new camera (dammit) so that means we all had to suffer bright lights. Dave came out and talked for a bit with me. Nice chat. Kassy was also allowing us to appropriately view her new Chevy Trail Blazer.

I had a new massage client today. Nice woman. I will be working on her (and her husband) more often I believe.

So now it is time for bed.
Monday starts a new week and I want to be ready for it.
Soon it will be the "season' in the jewelry industry and that means long hours. I have much to learn still and to remember.

Love to all!


Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Tis late at night and I am TIRED!

Okay...I am suffering from electronic starvation!
My job keeps me really busy with ALL that I have to learn.
I do not get to use the internet as I once did.
I am working WAY to much and I have had enough!
Next week...playtime on the walls and in the fields of home.

I am learning to let go of a ego issue.
Gotta learn a procedure BEFORE I short cut it.

I will write more this weekend!

Love and Laughter to all!

Circe <>

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

To listen and to learn

I am amazed that there can be such difference in my voice that my friends and loved ones can tell it by the sound in my voice.

" You sound REALLY happy! " "You sound peaceful and pleased! "

These are but 2 of the comments that I hear when I tell my loved ones of how my new job is going.

Nice to know that the feelings inside are coming to the surface.
It isn't that I have been unhappy for a while.....just seeking where I fit in with my life.
What do I want to do.... where so I want to be....what do I want to learn?

Being back into the Jewelry business feels 'comfortable'. I am a little impatient with myself just because I know I adapt so well in technical areas....that I sometimes get my ego into the way and 'hear' how to do my job and then adapt it to the way I can work it.
I need to remember to learn it the owners way first....then start pointing out what I see and feel may be useful.
They will make the decision....Not me. I don't own it.

I LOVE this job!
I actually enjoy the humor and the feelings in the office.
NO judgments....just enjoyment.
There is a dry sense of humor in the place which I find delightful!
Wickedly fun!

I am going to a Hash House Harriers event called CoTex....yep! Sounds like it and probably will feel pretty used like one afterwards.
It is a running event ( I will more than likely do a lot of walking ).

My life still has some things to work out....but that is part of living.


I am happy...I am thrilled that my kids (includes my niece, several of my kids friends, and even a few of my friends children, too!) are healthy and life progresses on for them also.

It is ALL good ( Thanks for reminding me of that, Marty! )

Kisses and Huggles!

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Learning and adapting

It is a weird sort of stress changing jobs. I was so very good at what I did at my previous employer. I now have to start from scratch and expand my knowledge into new applications and systems.
I love it though!
There is old knowledge that I have that I am able to impart to my new bosses. There is lots of learning in my new environment as far as methodology. The people are nice though.
The jewelry industry holds it's own type of stress. There is a great need for being completely willing to drop what you are doing to attend to a perceived emergency.
I do not have a great concept at this time as to what constitutes as a 'crisis' for them. This industry is also well known for nepotism. Jessica and I are the only outsiders and the only non-jewish associates.
Interesting being on a minority side. The people are SO very kind however.

My previous weekend (Memorial Day) was spent out at a HUGE camping event called 'Flipside'. It is gathered together on the basis of a community that allows no purchasing....but bartering for others skills.
Recycling is encouraged, conservation is a must, and cooperation is the lifestyle.
There are several 'theme camps' that trade services for their service....or are just there to give and share.
one morning we went to the Breakfast Camp and then the Coffee Camp. Yep! That is what they do and share with ANYONE who is hungry.
There were a few people I know from other walks of life that were there too! WAY awesome!
It was nice and relaxing in the 'Spa Camp' where I stayed.
It was a wonderful gift to be giving massages to those who were tense or hurt. I had a blast! It is an experience I chose to go through because of my next adventure to Black Rock City. That is where the Burning Man event is held. I am learning a lot about being able to appreciate, depend, and assist other people I have never met. My friend Mark is teaching me how to make 'huts' for this event.
there is a lot of planning that occurs before you go into the desert.
Has to be.

Hopefully my art will be appreciated and I will be grateful for my experiences.

Right now...I am tired...and it has been a good evening with climbing....and my tummy is full...and I wish to sleep.

I cannot relate to all about 'what happened' at the Flipside Event...but it was truly awesome. There was a fantastic amount of lightening shows...dancing....meeting people...sharing and talking...and I learned how to do some Fireball Spinning (no fire of course). I am going to practice more on that skill too.
One of these days I will be able to spin and dance with fire!

Yep another adventure I have planned!

Love to all...
I am peaceful and happy.


I am not sure WHEN I will be online again..but hopefully within the next 2 weeks!


Thursday, May 26, 2005

Time time time....

Not doing to bad at the new job!
Finally found a route to work that has me humming along in glee.
The office is a family business and I really do enjoy the interactions of them all.
French is the main language adn it is wonderful to hear it again while being able to understand some of it. I have forgotten most of my French and I hope to brush up on it. THEN I wish to learn MORE of it!
I apologize to all about not being on IM, the learning curve is great in the office.
It isn't that all just do ONE job...there is multitasking going on in all levels.
THAT is nice!
It does take time. However I did come in to the business with previous knowledge...and 'moxie'. I LOVE THE COFFEE! They have a great machine! It is a "Flavia"....WAY awesome adn I would recommend it for home use too!
Even makes tea. :) It is a nice bonus. NO burned coffee or tea.

This weekend is a camping trip with some friends.
I am truly looking forward to it. Marty, Serena, and Rob will be my camp mates. There are others but I do not know them well. Rob and Serena were married this year in March. Serena JUST had her birthday yesterday! Happy birthday beautiful!

The truck is (I believe) finally fixed.
Torque converter was freezing up in the transmission. Ford kindly replaced it at no charge...or was that warrenty work?
Anyway...I am happy about it.

Life is such an adventure right now....and I am sleepy.

Tomorrow will be busy...and I am looking forward to it.

Je vous souhaite une bonne nuit et des rêves plaisants !

Monday, May 23, 2005

Through the doors

Friday the 20th of May was my last day at Intervoice.
I also realized I have been divorced for 10 years now.

Monday the 23 of May is a new beginning in my career. I will be working at Spectrum Diamonds as a VP assistant!

I am excited. Not timorous at all. I am cognizant of the changes that this will bring into my life and attitudes.

I am looking forward to the new interactions and learning I shall be experiencing!

Stay Tuned!

Ready for me yet, Spectrum Diamonds?
Hmmm....thought so!

See you all in the AM!

Monday, May 16, 2005

When Pigs Fly...

The days run long for one who waits on change.
Sunshine hits the skin and warms my thoughts as well as my heart.
There are times that I realize how very lucky I am.
I am being sentimental today. Changes are good. Positive. Matters not if they are as I would wish them to be.
I try hard to take to heart that change signifies growth.
I have noticed multiple levels of change not only in myself but in those I know.
Age has a way of bringing patience to my conscience.

I haven't flown my kites in a while....been paying attention to the other duties in life. My mind sometimes still goes to the skies and sees the way the kite bounces along and still is tethered to my hands.
Then I realize as I am remembering the actions I am flying.
This is the purpose of visualization.
TO FEEL AND TO KNOW that the thoughts proceed the actions.

Pigs fly not only in their dreams but sometimes they can jump and play and feel the freedom of not being attached to the world....even for a brief moment.

Friday, May 06, 2005

Badda BING!

Went and picked up Marty at the DFW Airport on Tuesday afternoon. GREAT to see his swaggering stride coming through the doors. He was very tired and had 4 hugiferous bags to store in the tiny Ford Focus that I was driving. He managed to make it all fit! My truck had to go back into the shop so I was driving a little red (remember I don't NORMALLY drive red cars cause they get into wrecks) Ford Focus ZX4 SE 4dr Sedan. Cute and powerful little thing. It was nice..but I like my truck :)
Marty dozed off in the car. Most of our time together has been silent so far. He is still on Korean time.
There is much to do about rearrangement of the home. That is only part of my life.
Went climbing on Wednesday and Thursday. Finally climbing 'blues' again! (Which is intermediary) The shoulder feel good today. A little ache last night.
It is nice having all my roommates home again! Bob and Sharon are engaged and I had a blast making her ring. :) Thanks for the opportunity Bob!
I've posted a picture set to the blog here. Look down at the photos section. I only have 3 pictures of it currently. If you wish you can follow the link to 'flickr' and look at other pictures also.

I stay fairly busy of late.

I still check in with SEVERAL people...and no not all at once.

I am looking forward to starting my new job on 5/23/05!

It is nice to have a full home again. I love my room mates very much. Each of us is diverse but at the same time symbiosis resides.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Time of thought and of goodbye's

How many times can one say to oneself..."goodbye old patterns"?
Lately, I have gathered it is just about every day.

I am a beginning and an end to myself.
To breath is a beginning and to exhale is an ending to that beginning.
It is constant motion. As long as I continue to inhale I take on new characteristics of thought and action. To exhale those thoughts and actions that no longer hold optimal benefit for my health.

I think of living like the actions in swimming...the strokes it takes to move a body through the water is in effect REACHING and bringing motion to the body. To kick ones feet will help propel the physical into a better and stronger motion.
Water can symbolize emotions, or tears, or the 'water of life' which we are all made of.
Even when I is with the willingness to jump in and be immersed in the fluid motion of life. Sometimes I make a heck of a splash...other times I just dive in and glide smoothly without making a ripple or a sound.
I can hold my breath, but the action itself has to change and the old stale air needs to be released. This enables me to take in a new life. Even Oxygen is based in water molecule combinations.

It is all fluid motions of life.

I say goodbye to the used up and old patterns of breathing. I wish to have new influences and rhythms in my pool called Life.

I can either swim in an old worn out suit or I can swim fresh and clean in the joyous body that helps me move through this life.
My body is perfectly suited to move through the waters. Be they rough and dangerous or calm and clear.

Even tears have a way of releasing emotions that are pent up and they can cleanse the eyes for a better view of Life.

OOO time for a High Dive!
Yes, I can still do flips, too!

Watch me glide and watch me struggle at times...and cheer me on. My goal is to be swimming 'freestyle'!

G'night everyone...peaceful dreams and enlightenment on your waking.

What makes a weekend go 'round.....

Woo hoo!
Let's start off with working a later shift than normal on Friday....
add in a date that had a good beginning and a less than cold feeling at the end ...
add a bit of WAY early rising on Saturday after very little sleep on Friday....
Drive downtown to go Saturday morning shopping with a friend at a closeout sale of Chef's catalog (and hey kids!...I saw a LOT of things that would be cool for cooking with for my dinner times with you both! LOL) Then go and work for another friend and drive 60 miles delivering flyers...then over to Coppell to watch Antje's dawgies...then Richardson to pick up Kassy...then back to Addison and listening to "The Bone Jam" at Addison Park. OH MAN! 'Styx' still sounds pretty good! Was a delight running into friends from the Hash too!
Then back to Richardson to drop off Kassy...then back to Coppell to play with Dawgies...then up early on Sunday to play with Dawgies again at the park...(yes, Mikey...I played with Elliot, also!) Then looked at a few homes...then took a nap and then went to a May Day celebration with my daughter (SO glad she reminded me) and had a blast!
I didn't get to climb, fly, ride, or sleep much this weekend. I did get to belly dance and to drum with a different group of people, however.
It is Monday now...Tired and my truck wants to rest, too.
I get to pick up my bestest friend on Tuesday afternoon.
He is one who has stayed in contact with me through his working year in Korea. Never judged me or made me feel like I was less than perfect ...just as I have with him. Distance doesn't stop the enhanced the directness we have had between us.
I am looking forward to Marty returning home for however long it is that he is here before he leaves again. You see Marty has 'sand in his shoes'. A very old term...but it fits him.
Bob and Sharon are engaged and return on Wednesday from Europe. I want to have a party for them to celebrate the engagement. I am SO happy to see them binding their lives together... Their kids are all pleased as well!

Life is getting interesting and still very, very full.

I am enjoying being on my own and searching for where I want to live next.
I look forward to my new opportunities...and personalities.

Fly safely my, dear one.
Looking forward to our dinner together Tuesday night!
I sure hope you have ALL of your pictures ready for viewing!


Thursday, April 28, 2005

WHOA! Crashed......

Hello WIND!!!!

I took a very short break to fly today during lunch. MAN, it was more gusty than I expected!
The bridle hooks are set for 300 pounds. however, with the amount of pull and 150 pound hook closure bent open and my kite was spinning outta control! It looked like a headless chicken running in circles. Fast spinning, verticle, tortured, circles ...until it hit hard on the ground.
All I could do was hold onto the one handle and hope that the bridle hook would hold on the other side.
BAM...and snap!
My right wing spar snapped in two.
Actually, the graphite rod split all the way up. Now I need to order replacements and start cutting them to size.
Last spare spar (hehehe kinda redundant, eh? ) I had for the wing.

It was beautiful while it was up though!
Had so much pull I couldhardly keep on my feet!
WHEE! to the climbing gym!

Have fun my dears...
I am.


Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Bestest is coming home!

My bestest friend Marty is on his way home! 6 days.. I pick him up at the airport on Tuesday afternoon...May 3rd. It has been a year today that I took him to the airport for his adventure in Korea. He went to teach English as a second language to children. He is a great teacher! He helped tutor me in some mathematics and was wonderful at boosting my confidence in what I know.
I may have to practice a little when he gets home. ;)
We would sit at the computers and listen to music ...drink coffee...and just talk sometimes...mostly it was the comfort of having someone that totally 'got you' without having to explain how I got there. Watching movies and laughing our butts off...climbing together...dancing with our friends...and riding bikes.
I like the times of just reading together too.
It helps having your bestest friend be a room mate also.

OH other news!
JUST as important!

My other two room mates (Bob and Sharon) are getting Married!
Bob and Sharon are in Europe right now on a month long adventure. They get home on the 4th :)
Bob proposed to Sharon on bended knee at a rope bridge in Ireland.
Way cool.
I was blessed too. I got to make the ring!

ANOTHER bit of news!
My friend Jeff Carmichael has asked his girlfriend to be his wife!
Congratulations to you Jeff and Annie!
I am SO excited for you both.
One of these days I would like to meet the one who won your heart, Jeff....I think she is a very lucky lady.

Other news....I am NOT a grandmother..yet ;)
MORE news!
I found out my son Jason has a girlfriend!
WAY cool.

ALL of this good news....

The world is revolving and changing.

I also thoroughly expect Marty will last a couple of months in the US and then head out to another adventure.
He just needs to touch base with his kids and family.

I am SO very excited!


Simple things

My childish nature is attracting attention again.
I fly my stunt kite at work sometimes during lunch. It is wonderful how many people send me emails...ask me questions...and want to fly with me now.
The day started off pretty fast.
I was disappointed stepping out my door this morning. Not at the beautiful sunrise...but that there was no wind.
It made me think that my day was going to be rather busy at work. It was a very accurate thought.
Dwayne came by and asked me if I was flying today. He wants to try a dual string before he purchases one :) Naturally I carry six kites in my truck :) It's spring and it is normal for me.
I told him if I see the flags stirring I'll be outside in the front.
All of the upper executives on the 5th floor of the A building can stand at their windows and watch...and I have seen them do this. Some even wave to me and clap! wind. *sigh*
Maybe tomorrow there will be wind.
I need to remember my sunglasses. It is hard to follow what I am doing without searing my eyes with sunlight.

To hear the song of the wings as they cut into the air and pull me.

I hope there is wind....tomorrow.

Circe (zzooommm)

Monday, April 25, 2005

Much ado about nothing

let's see the whole you
that part you hide from
that part you dance around and sing to
lay it out there and fear not that there is only you

you being of light are one with all that is, was, and will be


Can it be more simple?
To be open hearted means that it IS going to hurt..that there IS loss..and there are tears.

I don't need...but I do want.

I felt thrown away for a brief moment today.
Instead of hiding it, I left a message.

It is all about growing past the needful child.
My daughter has compared me to a child at times.
Yes I am.
I have not learned NEAR what I need to learn before my time ends here.
I know that there are many that will cross paths with me and go on.
Just as I will.

I still fly kites, play, get dirty, work, cry, run, bike, dance until I can't stand anymore from exhaustion.

It is life. It isn't nothing.
It is all.


I have people in my life that ARE involved with me.
They listen to me talk when I express a need to uncover something about myself.
Some call it lucky to be in that world of mine.
Some call it heartbreaking.

"Did you ever love me, Circe?"
I was asked that long ago.
I answered "no" at the time because I didn't think I knew what love was.
I did love you.
It is different than anyone I have ever known or will know.
You were unique to my world.
I learned some hard heartbreaking lessons from you.
I learned to be fearful of needing...and wanting to be loved.

I think I should have asked the same question of you....but my answer made you angry as it always did.
You heard only part of my statement but you forgot to feel the person that was saying it.
Something I think you never did for long.
Only brief moments of you understanding my world.
My ghosts. My pains. My joys.

I can love and not ask for it to be returned.
Every human has the right to such an emotion.
It isn't always meant that it is returned by the person you love.
Sometimes we are played as fools...but not really if we understand that our hearts know the answers before we ask the questions.

I loved you and still a different sense of the world of what is right and what is wrong.

We were painful together.

I am happy alone...but I still love you even if it was never enough.


"Dance" he said.
"Not with motion but with your mind.
Let it lead the muscles into the shape you seek to form out of thought."

I have never forgotten those words.


Synopsis of thoughts that are random and still very direct.
You seek to understand me?
Think again.
I cannot even understand myself or my purpose at times.
However, I know with all my soul that I am doing what is needed. Doing and living what I am supposed to.

I tire of always letting go.
I want to have someone want to stay,
To find they like to play also.
That they like to laugh.
That they love just being.
Not dependant or needing.
But just sitting and holding hands or walking in the moonlight and looking up to find pictures in the clouds.
These are things that have occurred with all of my closest lovers.

One of these days I hope to find that these are all exsisting in one person. That wants to share their life WITH ME.



Friday, April 22, 2005

In time

There is a moment in recognition that a small sigh can be the best breath in life.
Can you focus on the frozen particles of crystalline air? What will the settling of the breath bring into view?
In time...
All becomes liquid again,
Flowing and reforming puddles and pools of be taken again into the air and frozen.
All in a sigh.
A breath...
A dream.

Wondering where I am going with this?
A recognition that fear freezes me. A small sigh because I was afraid to breath in deeply about my choices.
When I relax and warm to my environment...all begins to regain shape and starts to flow together again....until I forget.
Then the cold fear freezes the living emotion and puts it out into the outer reaches...dissipating into tiny separate crystalline form.

I have never been one for being still. I have to move and dance and feel the world around me.
My mind constantly flows with ideas and dreams and beliefs. I can choose which one to experience. I am the cause of the flowing events in my life.

I have made a choice of a new career that I have been involved with before.
I loved it then and still love it now.
The brightness and life that dances inside the crystal a reflection of old times and memories that are solid...that once were liquid...that once were nothing but vapors.

There is passion again in my life.
Joy at creation of many things.

There are also the emotions of my life which are the beginnings of recognition of who I am. It really is safe for me to be the woman and the child. I am so very happy in my life right now.
I have friends...really great friends. They do not ask me to change...but celebrate along by my side. There is laughter, touch, play, talk, cuddles, and excitement! I am so very fortunate that my eyes and heart are open at this time in my life.
That is another form of creation.

Creating ME each time I breath...and each time I fall in love with the wonders of the world and of being truly human.
A WHOLE human.

Open heart and all....and yes...even with the tears that come in times of is all flowing.

To the one I love with all my heart... you are released to the flow of life and those around you.

Me being me.

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Change is in the air

A new job.

Change occurs on May 20, 2005.


Monday, April 18, 2005

All things GREAT and small

Imagine staying out WAY too late on Saturday night (oohhh say 4:30 AM arriving home?) and sleeping until 11:45 AM (yes! I got almost 8 hours) to waken with a rush and realize...

I AM CO-HARE for a BIKE HASH! God...where is the coffee?!?
It was a blast to lay a trail with Antje. It was nice just having someone to ride along with again and just visit with. I have missed spending time with Antje like this. I remember staying over at her home in Arlington (The Sanatorium) and just hanging out, cooking, and riding on the trails.
Always laughter and companionship have been there with her. I have made several friends over the last 5 years. I actually met Antje through a co-worker and friend, Jeff Carmichael. The wonderful thing about Antje is her heart. It is huge and wants to express happiness and fun to whoever she is around. It is a growing space for us both in this friendship.
I love listening to her speaking German. It is an interesting language and one I cannot mimic well... so that is intriguing to me.
Oh yeah...the Bike Hash...
Antje exploded in the parking lot.
We started riding out and then the flour and bag went into her spokes! POOF!! this huge cloud of white powder! I am trying hard not to fall over while laughing like crazy! Antje managed to not wreck and then tried dusting off with a floured hand over a floured body. The actual trail was supposed to start off at Bob Woodruff Park. So off we go to the Trail Head.
I actually have gotten into such a routine of riding that I didn't pay attention and ended up going on the trail I ride...instead of to the parking lot where everyone was meeting us at. :) Safety factor: always wear a helmet! :) Got to the start and slowly people are trickling in. My friends Rob and Serena actually caught up with us at the beginning to ride the trail too!

What led up to the decision of the trails we marked? First thing is go uphill. Not a huge hill ...but not short either.
A BJ marked by me and then True Trail led on up the street by Antje. Now remember...If I am marking false trails or BJ's ...I have to ride out then catch back up with Antje...sometimes I know the short cuts...and sometimes it is BEST to go back and follow her trail.
Not to hard considering we had discussed the trail to begin with...but there are always adaptions. the fun part was hoping that the hounds (Hash riders trying to follow our trail) would spend a long time on the Check Points. ( Means a trail can go ANY direction. ) The first check point was a BJ ( means that the markings were a trick or a Blow Job). PLEASE REMEMBER that the hash is known for sexual references. The second check point was hard for the hounds to find for some reason. It actually took you through a kinda nice residential area that had another park in it that I had not ridden in before. Only ONE spot of PI (Poison Ivy)
that was on a trail drop off and was a perfect BJ marking spot. Antje graciously went in to mark the area...and never touched a single leaf of PI!
Then onto the rest of the trail markings. There was a winding and nicely paved path at the Park and it was relaxing.
Antje did find a place that ended up getting a non-traditional marking....and they both lead to the same place! On we go to finding the beer check point!
This is about half way through with the hares or a beermeister showing up with beverages to drink. I even put a bottle of water in for 'in case' needs. This beer check was at a farm near the Plano East Senior High School. We also discovered religion while on this trail. The farm was nice with cows and Canadian geese and gooslings running around. Then we turned our heads and see cattycorner from us a home with a HUGE sign of the 10 commandments in the bushes next to the home. We never saw this when we were scouting out a stopping point! *sigh* I remember the 10 commandments...every one. Guess some people need to remember them by seeing them everyday.
So then we call 'on trail' and get the riders off onto the road again.
One girl RAN the whole thing...not a lot of miles (9 total) but when you have to do the check points all by can get twice as long.
She had already run 20 miles that day too! Amazing woman.
Anyway...the trail went through the high school grounds and looped around the running track.....hehehe I thought Antje was quite fun with this idea! then back out with a check in 360 degrees in a big parking lot of the school.
Oh yeah...we did set trail to go THROUGH the school...there is an open air center with a pond. :) Hopefully the cops weren't caled in to check the flour. ;)
Then the group had to go across the street to a little path that ran across the back of this huge church. Interesting signs and moments all around us....
"Points to Ponder" and in Plexiglas and metal cases..these were bible verses that were spread out every so often for the casually strolling meditation. We also got to pass on the back side of some homes with acerages and horses. Saw 2 miniature ponies that were as tall as teh base of my hip bones at the top of their heads....and they had a Pony as a companion horse. Very cute these 3 were!
The next area of the trail led you through a ranch estate area with land and animals. there were sheep too! At the end of this little quiet road...was another check...and then the leading trail was to another park. We entered on the northeast side and went across the field. MORE horses and goats on the far back of the field!
I then took Antje to the trail head...and the park has been maintained for the last couple of years and there usually is no PI on the trails.
We rode around and did a Circle Jerk (a trial that forms a loop and puts you back at the beginning) in the nature walk preserve area. Then we did a True Trail that went along the creek...and still no PI! Whew!
The trail came out at near the Grocery store across the street from my home. and the True Trail arrow was at the entrance to my condominum complex.
I had laid dollops of flour leading to the pool and was waiting for all to show up.
It was fun! I am a little sunburned because I forgot to use sunscreen agian...but the weather was perfect!
We all gathered after all riders and runner were in and talked and chatted and sang some really silly songs. Then those who wanted to cook stayed longer and we talked of diving and running and telling the new boots (first time to a hash) interesting information.
I look forward to Rob and Serena joining in on more rides. They had a blast! We had a few visitor hashers from other places and they joined in at the beginning after Antje and I had left. They did a good job catching up from the the train station to the hash start!
After the hashers left for home Antje, Kassy, and I were talking in the computer room at my home.
Next, Jason and I got ready and headed down to Absinthe so he could see the tables I have been working on and visit with his sister

All in all Sunday was a GREAT day. Small moments of thought....Greater enjoyment of being around friends and the Best was feeling peaceful again in my heart.

THAT was the greatest gift of the day.... and it was a gift I gave to myself.

I do love to ride my bike with friends =)
I really wish my family could join in, too.