Thursday, January 25, 2007

ZIP boom BANG!

How fast can life take over?
In the blink of an eye...mostly your children's eyes :)
Where do I start?
Certainly NOT from the beginning!
I moved (or STARTED moving) on 1/12/07.
Still have not finished.
I stayed in the hospital with Amanda on the night of the 12th for Jordan to be able to work. I think I have stayed a TOTAL of 3 nights in my new home :)
Today is the 25th!
OMG time flies like a PIG with WINGS! LOL

I have a very good relationship occuring. We both agree that having seperate spaces is REALLY important to each of us.
I have a new grandson and I don't want to interfer with the kids learning (but it is nice to know they need me occasionally).
I have lost my bestest friend due to growth in self.
I am loving the man I am involved with.
I had a good visit with my youngest child (Jason) that I wish I had taken vacation for. Maybe I can go see him soon.
I am trying to deal with the comming death of the oldest friend I have ever had. I want to call him and get him over to me. I WANT to take a few days off to do so though. I have a new job position and have discovered my days off have changed (grrrr that I was not happy with) but I like the raise in pay :)

I spend too much time running around. I want to organize my home
I have bills to take care of and am TRYING to find my "box o fun".

I no longer smoke, have lost almost 100 lbs, stay pretty active working out (although of LATE it is every other day when I stay at "the Man's home" and we work out together in the AM).
I stopped drinking.... well I had a glass of wine the first night I stayed in my home and Elaine was visiting. I love my best friend BriBri...and adore his company.
I have cooked my first meal in my new home for BriBri, Linda, and Elaine.
I have washed SEVERAL loads of laundry (Baby Gear!) and taken 2 showers there.

See what I mean?
I miss my friends.
I will slow down soon (like this weekend) and finish up moving adn loading my new place.
I need shelves for my pantry adn I want to locate an inexpensive kitchen island so I can store cookware and have counterspace to use.
I need a coffee pot since Mark adn Marty decided mine was no good and threw it away.
I allowed that to happen and I am PISSED about it.

There was a lot of trauma that occured when Mark became a roommate. I like the man when he is on his own. I did not willingly submit to someones opinion of WHAT I was because I know WHO I AM.

I was so saddend by hearing my bestest friend did not WANT me at his party that I was trying to get to.
That may have been why my truck was not returned in time for me to attend the party in my old home.

I once liked and trusted Mark but never will again. I watched him display characteristics that rememinded me so much of an old life that it scared the hell out of me and I could not stand being at home. I really loved that house when Marty, Tracy and I rented it.
Sad to lose it.
Maybe when Mark vacates it I will rent it again.
I told the old landlord that too.

There has been MUCH to deal with emotionally but I feel very purposefull and pleased.

I DO want to thank Mark for showing me that I REALLY wanted to live alone for the FIRST time in my life. I need it.

Soon there will be lots of pictures to post of my grandson. As soon as I get the situation straightened out about my ISP provider.

Damn credit fraud reports :)
Keep you safe...but MAN if it isn't updated you are SCREWED!

It is ALL good.

Talk to you laters!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Let's see....

Realization hits me this morning with an attitude of :
I am doing what is right for ME finally.
I am in the processes of moving out of a home I thought I would love to be in for a long time.
Unfortunately there were circumstances that have made me realize I needed to be on my own and not have roommates. I love being around people. I need mental space and it was becoming invaded by how others thought I needed to behave and deal with my life. These men (my soon to be ex roommates) are not my father. I moved away from home at 18.

Now I am not one for being stubborn or telling people how to live.
I am pissed at this time.

Unfortunately I am dealing with a bunch of anger that is cold and waiting for a reheat in a pot.
I HAVE priorities. I am a mother that has been doing a lot. I have my daughter with a newborn and her dealing with her husband being ill JUST after her C-Section.
I HAVE a move that I cannot complete in someone else's expectation.
I have a full time job PLUS a second job.
My son is in town visiting.
I have my bestest friend that is moving to another country and he is having an attitude about wanting the hell out of this country.
I have my longest time friend dying of cancer right now and I have not even had time to call and talk to him this week.

Marty wants to be in a different space and so do I. I adore him and love him like a brother. I am going to miss him terribly.

I have (and soon will NOT have) another roommate that is rather domineering. He is impatient and I am not into being bullied. Been there. DONE with it. HE is the reason I am moving /and half moved / out!
Marty asked me why I did not tell him that he needed to act differently with me. "help him change". Damn it I am trying to CHANGE ME and do not want to help ANYONE to change anymore.

I gather today that when I go over to the old house to get a few more things out that I will have a confrontation. I am not looking forward to it at all.
I will be able to deal with it though.

So this was MY bitch session.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

another day

There were no pictures last night from my camera. Amanda adn Jordan were adapting to their son on his second day. I have chosen to share a few other pics from his FIRST day.
Look at those wonerful ears! Look at those wonderfully long toes!
Soon...a MOVIE!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Zephyr Hendrix Rainey


I will post some pictures later!


Sunday, January 07, 2007


My friend Leslie.
He has the cancer now in his lungs. THe prognosis is he has 4 months. He will start chemo up here in FT Worth. He has to give himself shots of blood thinners for the clots in his legs and lungs. He has all new medications.
It is very possible that the chemo will accelerate the cancer or kill him before the cancer does.

I have Ferris' cell number and will be called by Les to come get him to start his round of visits to my family.

HE kept saying this is really bad....

I am scared.

I have known Les since I was 15.
He was my first Love and still resides in my heart.

Friday, January 05, 2007

mispelling corrected :)

Zephyr Hendrix Rainey Zephyr Hendrix Rainey
Zephyr Hendrix Rainey Zephyr Hendrix Rainey
Zephyr Hendrix Rainey Zephyr Hendrix Rainey
Zephyr Hendrix Rainey Zephyr Hendrix Rainey
Zephyr Hendrix Rainey Zephyr Hendrix Rainey

Happy now Amanda?


Kisses babies....


Thursday, January 04, 2007

Zephyr Hendrix Rainey arrival date!

Amanda is scheduled for C Section on Jan 9th at noon. She is being admitted at 10 AM.

Zephyrs head is bigger than her cervix (9.5 CM head size) can handle.

He weighs 8.4 at this time! He will be about 9.2 pounds at birth.

Doc says he is so big that they could not get a good view of him! Amanda said the Sonogram Technicians eyes would not go back into her head.


Zephyr Henrix Rainey arrival date!

Amanda is scheduled for C Section on Jan 9th at noon. She is being admitted at 10 AM.

Zephyrs head is bigger than her cervix (9.5 CM head size) can handle.

He weighs 8.4 at this time! He will be about 9.2 pounds at birth.

Doc says he is so big that they could not get a good view of him! Amanda said the Sonogram Technicians eyes would not go back into her head.


Zephyr Henrix Rainey arrival date!

Amanda is scheduled for C Section on Jan 9th at noon. She is being admitted at 10 AM.

Zephyrs head is bigger than her cervix (9.5 CM head size) can handle.

He weighs 8.4 at this time! He will be about 9.2 pounds at birth.

Doc says he is so big that they could not get a good view of him! Amanda said the Sonogram Technicians eyes would not go back into her head.


Monday, January 01, 2007

WHO HOO! My son will be coming for a visit!

January 13th. The day I move to my new home! Jason is coming for a visit to see his nephew (hopefully before he has to return) and will be my first house guest!

Also have heard that Chris and Zak will be here starting the 3rd. I really miss you kids!
The great part of this year is family and friends.
I am really excited :)

I will be starting to pack this week.
Any assistance will be GREATLY enjoyed!