Thursday, July 02, 2009

I'm mad as hell...... and I won't take it anymore!

it simply amazes me.
I know I have a temper when I am totally frustrated. It gets me nowhere... literally.

3 or 4 weeks ago I held an adorable little boy named Lane. He will become my step grand nephew next year when Chandra marries Joel. (now THAT is exciting news!)
Lane had some stuff on his clothes that no one knew about.

Poison Ivy oil

me who is TOTALLY reactive to it ended up with a serious case of infection from the stuff on my left arm.
Good thing it was the left so I can write and do other stuff right handed.

The poison ivy is now gone

I ended up with an infection in the lymph nodes around my left ear and my neck. It hurts to talk, eat, smile, laugh, turn my head, sleep.... anything.
Yeah, I know..... stop picking up children you say! BAH
Look at what the metaphysical association means... Yeah I tell people this often and it is pissing me off at the moment.

I have missed 2 classes and 2 tests due to the "stuff" as I realized I cannot drive. I almost ran over a person on a bike. I hate pain medications and my ear has me so off balance that Jamba is having the time of his life dragging me out on the sidewalk and grass.
I thought I could walk upright.
I cannot focus long enough to even read or talk on a phone.. or type. This is the fourth attempt at writing my frustrations out.

I have missed work and do not have the time in PTO to use... so it goes unpaid. UNless my boss allows me to work an hour early each day adn work through lunch to work the time bank into a positive balance again.

I want to see my grandson, my children, my momma and my sisters... I cannot drive.
So I arranged some time to do readings and try to catch up in advance on homework.

I feel like it is gonna kill me.
I sleep for 2 hours at a time and wait for anger to subside. I dislike intensely not being able or physically available to "do things on my own".

Yep folks... I am PISSY.

I do not like this aspect of my personality.
It is only aimed at me though. I do not aim it outwards at all.

Funny thing is... with my ear hurting so much.. I talk a little funny. There was a man at my office who today asked me if I was from Australia. He said I sound a lot like the people his daughter stays with in Austraila. odd. Not moving my jaw gives me an accent.
at least I can smile on the inside....