Monday, January 26, 2009

kinda a good bad week

learning and frustrations\thinking ya got it down / good deal gone wrong?

all things are possible as long as I hang onto my belief that people really can care about each other without guilt in it all.

right now the writing makes no sense.
right now i find my self amazingly ANGRY at the presumptions that a personality MAKES BEFORE thinking about a situation.
right now i do not wish to see or speak to that personality. she will be dealt with accordingly.

now onto a better life and thought processes

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

pissed at delays

probation is not easy to deal with on a new job.
nor is having to back out of school because I have to work late right now.

i talked to the school directors. i am delaying the start of my classes until i get past my probation at work. looks like I start classes in April or I can start again in August. I will continue to pay for the course though so it has a built up bank on it.
that means that once I am ready to test I can without waiting to pay off the school :")

i hate... TOTALLY HATE .... having to delay it.
I took my first class last night there... came home and studied until 2 am...then went to work TIRED as hell and not really focusing on my NEW job.
the lesser of two evils is to protect my NEW job and get a little more stable in it. THEN I will start my school again.
i should still be able to graduate at the end of this year though. the directors talked with me and I can 'double up' on day and night courses once i have vacation time added to my employment.
that way i won't have top wait TOO long ;)

maybe Jambalaya won't be so destructive either by then. i hate having him sit in a kennel for 14 hours then have me come home and study and then bed when I can...
not fair to him at all.

actually it was not fair to ME to stress so much on a new job AND classes.

I have a little time to work it out.
who knows? If the job loses its position then unemployment may pay for my career change :)
still having things in process and limbo I guess.
Right now I am REALLY sad and REALLY tired.

I know I HAVE to keep the kjob for now.
I know I WANT to get my license in order.
I know I can be patient for a little while longer and see how it all settles down.
I know it is mandatory that I stay healthy.
I can still read and gather my books in a slower pace and get the good prices. I did not think I needed to pay for NEW books when there are better savings on USED books.

I am sad at the delays....but the job is important at this time.


Tuesday, January 20, 2009

my schedule for a while

I just CAN'T do "nothing" very easily.

Current status after leaving the old job????

New Job started on Monday (1-19-09),
School started NIGHTS on Tuesday (1-20-09)
SO that means I work from 8-5 and school is 6-10. Study at night... hopefully you will all understand if I spend quiet time at home on the weekends?

I really want to thank my friends and family that has assisted me in paying for some of the course I am taking. Time to have my license for massage in order and I am looking forward to it!
I had a DR teaching class tonight. A D.O. and very entertaining as will as interesting. I like the interactiveness of his enthusiasm for massage taking place in the medical world.

All good but I am gonna be rather busy for a while.
Monday through Friday. 8 AM to 10 PM.
Thank goodness Linda is willing to take Jambalaya out of his kennel at night when she can for me.
I feel bad on that.
I come home for lunch now so he gets out after 4 hours in the kennel.
Hopefully he will get less interested in chewing things soon and then he can stay out of the kennel :)

That's all!
.....for now ;)

Monday, January 19, 2009

....and say hello!

1 day down... hopefully many more to go!
I was contacted by a recruiter for a position last week.
Interviewed over the phone the next day.
Had face to face interview the day after that.
So now I am a level II Help Desk Analyst for the medical industry again.
I have learned my lesson though and will not post WHO I work for but so far... so good!
It is 10 minutes from the time I walk out my door and then set at my desk. Pretty darn close to the apartment!
I came home at lunch today to walk Jambalaya and he was a little confused on it :)
It is ALWAYS a tad boring to me to "sit and learn how the process goes" but tomorrow I have already told them, will be in my hands.... means I want to touch the apps.
All geek at times ;)

I think it is gonna be okay. Honestly.
The applications are all proprietary so that means no "similar" remembrances of an application.
I found out one of my old co-workers is already ensconced and that was a surprise to me! Dang it.... I cannot be "unknown" this time. ;)

The pay is less than I wanted...but it is great in the closeness to home and school so it all works out to be "even-steven".

Can't really write that much about it now. I DO know that it gets hot up there there so I WON'T be wearing a wool sweater again. There is also a KinderCare daycare in the building so IF I get to have Zephyr during the week and I HAVE to have him in a location for the day... I can do it at the office and he can play with other kids! I have had excellent reports about KinderCare from Shelley and Mark no fear with the system. I am upstairs and very close by if that happens.... we will wait for that tho.
Amanda had Z call me tonight! He says " Hi Gran-nie. It's ME!!!! "
He can name almost all of the alphabet with the letters from the fridge and loves to point out stars and moons and plants in the constellation. Amanda tells me the Pediatrician thinks Z will be reading by 3. He can already read his Name Blocks on his wall and then says "ME!!!!" (z-e-p-h-y-r = ME!)
It's a tad scary to think about... he has his colors down, too (mostly) and seems a little more confused on the numbers...but he is only 2. LOL
Oh yeah! He can do a "1 legged" somersault now, too! out world!

I feel good knowing I am okay as far as my working while I am in school. Soon I will have my license for massage back in order and off I go to enjoy what I love the most.

a good day after all.....


I go to work at a new job and it is SOOOO close to home!
I am excited and pleased. I do miss the people I used to work with and wish them all well.
More tonight....

Tomorrow I start school again!
Guess I do not do "not busy" very well ;)