Monday, March 24, 2008

there once was a time.....

when i thought i had it down
that i could be anything and everywhere

sad realization

humanity is not so fun when you realize that you love your kids wonderfully deep and know to let them go their own way. then discover that you cannot make shit out of your life.

once held in love by a man (or that was what he said) and then to realize that his 'dream' only included him.

no more trust for males except my kids
you all suck

My caring middle sister,,,,i won't move into your home. you have a husband and the niece
which is too much and i don't want to have ANY issue with you or percieved events.
trust me it is best

Daddy I don't think you read these and that is okay
I unload what is happening here
I appreciate the assistance. I will return the money once the balance of my 401 arrives. then you will not hear from me again. is good i think.
then you won;t have to worry about 'lecturing'.

Jason I miss you something fierce


Bella said...

I read a comment somewhere last night that said the secret to finding happiness is to stop believing your thoughts (ie - the things your head is always telling you).

Humans have an uncanny ability to really and truly believe what we think - so it only makes sense to stop believing the rubbish (and all things that no longer work, or have never worked) and NOT try to replace them with a new belief or action.

Just simply let it go. I drew a Rune for you last night; Kaunaz(Opening) Reversed - "Instability, nakedness, exposure, loss of illusion and hope. Associated with Fire and the Opening of ones' self to the Journey, you find yourself blocked. You can no longer continue on your path in this manner, and must now shed the old, brave the dark and cast the light of your own torch."

It's never easy to change, especially when you literally have no other way to draw from. It's dark, it's scary, and a lot of people have been left behind. But you still carry them with you - it's like hiking through the mountains with the worlds' largest backpack and it's full of useless "supplies". Even if it means dumping everything you found to be true since the age of 14, it's never to late.

Circe was quite a woman in the myths of Greece - but her tragic need to be desired, to have all that lay within her reach; is not yours. You have her name and her beauty mom, but you are a far greater witch - and I think you forget.

Ya, you got one hell of a dark road ahead, but you've only ever glimpsed at clearings... I know you'll get to your wide open field where you can fly your kites freely. You tell me when and where and I'll fucking bring you a new kite myself.

I love you.

Circe said...

"finding happiness is to stop believing your thoughts"

if i stop believing my thoughts Amanda...then it will cedase to be life as you know it.

Bella said...

not like that mom - go outside the box for a min. "stop believing in your thoughts" means to retrain what you believe to be reality.

In another words, if you always have believed that people suck, well then, they'll just keep on sucking won't they? Or if you always believe that you'll never get it right, well then what else can you expect?

on that note, I'll officially butt the hell out.