Monday, August 11, 2008


My daughter Amanda (Bella) sends this out and I want to help!

For Toni Vogel, Wife to Steve Vogel....
PLEASE, help if you can.... She is an amazing woman.

National Transplant Assistance Fund

Hi Everyone!
Bella here to help my dad and step mom reach out - my stepmother, Toni was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis.

This week, she was accepted into the National Transplant Assistance Fund where her and my dad hope to raise the $25,000.00 it will take for her transplant surgery. She has been a long standing advocate for science and research and will be participating with a Stem Cell transplant to her spine. The operation and study are only a few years old, and therefore not covered by insurance.

I'm lousy at pitching the facts that are far better explained on the website. Please see below for the link directly to her page and while you are there, feel free to read up on the organization, the procedures and the rates of success. Currently, the doctors have given Toni roughly 10 years... I'd like her to stick around to see our son (and her two other grandchildren from my stepsister) grow up.

Please help in any way that you can - whether it's with a donation or just a kind word of support on her guest book.

http://www. transplantfund. org/Restricted/patient-guestbook. cfm?pat_id=2580

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