Monday, August 04, 2008

yep...moving plans again

once my lease is done I am done with Addison.
Looking to move to Las Colinas so I can easily walk to work and not have my dog in a kennel so long.
Maybe I can stay out of trouble there. The bike park I like to ride in is there also.
I think it is the best idea I have had yet. I don't party or play anymore so being near to Jambalaya is a god thing. I will be taking on ON CALL soon at work and it will be best to be close by if needed.
It will be okay to park my truck and not use it so much.
The place I am looking at is a little more than I want to pay but the balance sheet makes it a good deal (especially if there is a special) to do.

Life is very strange when you realize that you really cannot count on anyone but your self. I KNOW my kids I can depend on to grow. But having someone say they will be there and then they are not just sucks. I no longer trust.

I think I can enjoy doing my own stuff and if someone wants to join in that is okay. But not in my home.
NOW I am tired.


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