Monday, March 07, 2005

A moments dream

There is a belief in me that the mind is far better at giving answers if I can only shut my mouth up and open my inner ears.

The moments of waking up can be very fulfilling and also full of questions.
How many times have I got to repeat my lessons before I FINALLY get it?

The not feeling well of late and limitations in my physical activities is driving me nuts. It is the times that I avoid 'deep thinking'. Over anal-ization (yes I meant to write it that way) means I have nothing good left to view of myself.
Timing is everything.

A very good friend has had to unfortunatly listen again to my mood. I enjoy being around people...a lot.
I feel very disoriented not being out and about.
I have managed to almost find the top of my desk again.
going through files...and memories...and questions...and reading...and trying to write.
I just am not feeling like I am progressing at the moment.

Need to continue allowing my inner ears to listen to my heart. To my brain. To my wants and dreams.

This is rather 'disjointed' but that is exactly how I feel at this time.


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