Thursday, March 03, 2005

A reminder of WHAT I posted

Sunday, February 13, 2005
thank goodness I DIDN'T take the flu shot!

I shoulda read what I wrote less than a month ago!
Sometimes having a good. ESPECIALLY if I want to remind myself of what I said before.
It can also be a bummer if I feel stupid that I didn't remember what I wrote.
I realized that the danger of pneumonia was a concern after reading what I posted in February.
The doc prescribed a medication that is for pneumonia. I remember seeing the xrays when the radiologist didn't think I was looking.
I understand more than I want to at this time.

Enough I say!
I am TIRED of being ill.

Think I will behave and check in with the regular doc tomorrow.
I promise.

There are some things in life that one needs to go through I guess.
I'll be investigating some of my books and checking a few things out to see WHY I felt this need to lower my body defenses.
It all starts in the mind first (my belief).
That can manifest a lot of stuff with as fast as I think through a lot of different subjects.

Ah well...still growing I guess.
This is a good thing.

G'night and kisses to all

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