Sunday, May 28, 2006

busy at nothing day

have bike will travel :)
same old Circe on the ride again.
Came into work and I think I am the only one here.
I am bored as hell and pissed off about it too.

GREAT attitude don't ya think?

i carried my bike with me today. I plan on riding at lunch adn after work.
Time to get the fat off the ugly.

It is already hot outside but I really don't care.

I am supposed to go spend time with a girlfriend and her daughter (and friends) on a rooftop tomorrow to swim

I don't feel like it anymore.
guess i had better call her about it too.

so hopefully it will be a fine time in the woods today.
Since I have tomorrow off.....maybe I need ot go camping instead?

That sounds like more fun!
I may go see if I can borrow Pahsha from the vet for a trip.....who knows...maybe I drive to Colorado for the day?
nah.... to far...but I can go to Tyler or to Cleburn.

good trails there too.

Hope you all have a fantastic holiday!

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