Tuesday, May 30, 2006

oh yeah

another blog I have running:

it states today:
" another thing happened as I was walking across the floor "

damn it

i was almost completely healthy and now THIS

i walked across a friends apartment floor...wood floors and they are lacquered (not well, but there is a finish) ...and decided it was time to resurface his homes flooring. So what is a friend to do but remove the flooring to assist her friend in the ultimate goal.

a new floor

i just forgot to use any tools or wear shoes so I had a massive piece of wood in my foot.

very very very very painful

I tried to remove it...my friend tried to remove...no luck. i tried later that evenig and thought I had gotten most of it out.


I woke up this morning and my foot is swollen and red. PAINFULLY so. not much sleep last night either. PAINFULLY so.

I went into work and figured I could hit PrimaCare for lunch.

HA! It was throbbing by 8 am. I stayed at work for as long as I could and decided to hell with it cause I am SERIOUSLY in pain.

my 'boss' askes me 'Do you need to go right now?"

I waited until there was plenty of coverage. I need to go NOW.

I ended up having PrimaCare dig on my foot for almost 1.5 hours. then I was refered to the hospital. The hospital will only refer me to a surgeon. Same thing with the SECOND hospital...refer only to a surgeon.

DAMMIT I HAVE A PPO! I don't need referrals. I need the sad piece of wood OUT of my foot!!!

SO I remembered the doc that fixed my toe: he took me in and removed the offending object.

Mind you...it hurt like hell....but he did manage to get a painkiller into my foot pad....FROM THE TOP SIDE OF MY FOOT!

Can we say... (add anything you wish at this moment)

It was not as painful as when they kept trying to shoot the stuff in to the canyon everyone was making in my foot.

FINALLY it's numb! Dr Koriekipen got out a 1/4" long thumb tac. It isn't a normal splinter. Remember...I was attempting to resurface his floor.

Now I can't get my foot wet for a week...nor can I climb...nor can I bike... and I am on CRUTCHES for goodness sakes...so walking is a tad limited too.

Dang it Amanda...you must be right for once ;)

Now...is EVERYONE caught up?


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