Saturday, May 06, 2006

When Pigs Fly...

Circe's Daily Libra Forecast
Quickie: Take some time to summarize the past few months. Do an inventory on your progress.
Overview: Some equal and opposite financial impulses are at war right now. You want something shiny and appealing, yet you know that your current means don't allow you to pay for it. Don't make any sudden moves. Wait and hope.
Daily singles love (by
Sun-Tzu said that sometimes the best way to win is by doing nothing at all. You are in such a position right now, and should find a way to actively sit still until the time is right for action. - Horoscopes by Email - Romantic Compatibility - Dating Do's and Don'ts
Daily extended (by
Looking forward into life is a great way to aim for positive changes, and living in the moment is always good -- but today it's looking back that will offer you the most reward, entertainment and insight. You may think that the past few months were fairly uneventful, but they weren't. Major shifts occurred that you'll only now be able to understand. Time has given you a different perspective on the people you brought into your life, and you will see them in a new light. - Horoscopes by Email - Celebrity Compatibility - Dating Do's and Don'ts

I thought this was funny as all get out. I am in a quandry and I don't like the way I am thinking. When Marty and I were going to Sonic for his Chocolate Malt with DOUBLE chocolate there were all of the great OLD TIMER Songs being played that had uplifting senses of fight for what you want and to be patient and to have faith in the other and Trust....

jeeze almighty

got the message?

I worry so about the kids and my family of late. Then again I also require a lot of seperation at Spring and Fall seasons. I really love being active and outdoors.

I am trying to behave and take care of myself...but I need time to process a lot of head floss.

AMANDA:...I will not be driving anywhere. ;) I promise.

JASON: I am so pleased with your progress and attitudes.

CHANDRA: Blessings Be my littlest princess.

I am ONLY writing dear ones.

Jackie: Baby Sis I am so sorry about Natosha Lee. I have pictures to share of her.

Annavee: Hey Seesteeerr! I do think of you often, I just don't slow down well.

Momma and Michael, Daddy and MaryLou:


I need to find a different way of expressing and I am not happy at the mosaic art tables right now. I need sunlight.I need the trees and the wind.


[I actually have a wave file of Marty's voice saying this. He left it for my 'mail call' on the PC so I wouldn't miss him nagging me :) ]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love you special